Connecting to Rachel the Matriarch and Benjamin the Righteous
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Teachings of Rav Berg

Connecting to Rachel the Matriarch and Benjamin the Righteous

Publié: novembre 20, 2013
Enregistré le: novembre 7, 1989

Aimer 17 Commentaires 1 Partager

Point clés du cours

  • Rachel had no reason to return
  • The naming of Benyamin: son of the right
  • The Chariots knew they were part of the big picture process
  • When the righteous are burried in a cave it is a sign of concealment
  • Jacob and Yisrael
  • Rachel is connected to Malchut, the Lower Triad of the Shield of David
  • Leah is connected to Binah, the Upper Triad of the Shield of David
  • Rachel is revealed to assist us
  • The Red String and Rachel: Rachel converts judgements to mercy
  • The Month of Scorpio, the Tribe of Dan and the letters Dalet (created Mars) and Nun (created the sign of Scorpio)
  • Opportunities to sweeten judgment: Rosh Chodesh Scorpio and the 11th of Scorpio
  • Tapping into the power of the sages on their hilulah (death anniversary)
  • Joseph the Righteous and Benjamin the Righteous: Having good children by elevating above our limitations
  • The Worlds of Ashrei and Oy: Parallel worlds of happiness and sadness
  • Rising above Mazal: the constellations and influence of the cosmos
  • The birth of Benjamin: completing the Twelve Tribes
  • The power of speech and the death of Rachel
  • When Jacob became Yisrael, Rachel became a channel for the people
  • Jerusalem is the land of the Tribe of Benjamin
  • Rachel waits for everyone to return
  • Rachel embodies the energy of Malchut making her closer to us and a channel for our prayers
  • No reason for aging
  • Rachel, Yosef and Benjamin as channels to prevent aging and promote healing
  • The 70 children of Jacob prayed at Rachel's tomb before entering Egypt

Description du cours

Join the Rav and Karen for this lecture originally recorded on November 8, 1989 as he reveals how we can connect to the support for Rachel the Matriach and her son Benjamin the Righteous on their hilulah, the day they left the physical world.

Au sujet de ce cours

For over 40 years, thousands of hours of teachings by Rav Berg have been recorded. It is with great joy that we are now beginning to make these never before seen recordings available to advanced students for the first time. Join the Rav as he reveals the depth of meaning behind the weekly portions, the new moons, holidays and more!

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