Chayei Sarah: Immortality and the Power of the Mikveh
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Teachings of Rav Berg

Chayei Sarah: Immortality and the Power of the Mikveh

Publié: novembre 20, 2013
Enregistré le: novembre 18, 1992

Aimer 7 Commentaires Partager

Point clés du cours

  • The life of Sarah: 100 year (Keter), 20 year (Chochmah and Binah), and 7 years (Fragmentation) Sarah removed any form of separation during her life
  • Connecting to the Morning Star (Netz): connecting to the moment the first presence of the Light is felt in a balanced way
  • Sarah did not die
  • Immortality and the power of the mikveh
  • Efron and the 400 shekels: purifying 400 levels of tumah (uncleanliness)
  • Ruach hatumah: forces of uncleanliness that create the chaos and negativity in the world
  • 1 sa'ah= the volume of water in the space occupied by 144 eggs; 40 sa'ah in the mikveh x 144=5,760
  • The revelation of immortality began in the year 5,760 in the Kabbalistic Calendar/2000 in the Gregorian calendar
  • Water is from the level of Chochmah
  • Spelling hebrew letters materializes the letter (for example the letter yud spelled yud-vav-dalet etc,)
  • 6 combinations spelling the letter yud in the Tetragrammaton equal 144 (1 sa'ah)
  • Each sa'ah removes 10 classes of negativity
  • Chevron/ Kiryat Arba: a place of unity
  • Bilah hamavet l'netzach: the removal of death; techiat hametim: resurrection of the dead
  • Efron (from the word Hebrew word afar/dust): Buying the cave of Machpela for 400 shekels to remove the energy of death
  • Mikveh removes the Opponent
  • Jacob confronting Esau with his army of 400 men
  • Everything in the Torah is a cosmic code
  • The death anniversary of Rav Avraham Azulai: 24th day of Scorpio
  • Our consciousness can accelerate the process
  • Healing must include restriction
  • Sarah instilled life into the world

Description du cours

One of the major teachings and revelations of Rav Berg is the realization that the manifestation of living forever is not an idea awaiting God's decision as to when it will happen, but depends on humanity's consciousness and effort to create this reality.

Join the Rav for this lecture originally recorded on November 19,1992 as he reveals for the first time Rav Avraham Azulai's teachings on the power of the mikveh, the portion of Chayei Sarah and how we can achieve immortality.

Au sujet de ce cours

For over 40 years, thousands of hours of teachings by Rav Berg have been recorded. It is with great joy that we are now beginning to make these never before seen recordings available to advanced students for the first time. Join the Rav as he reveals the depth of meaning behind the weekly portions, the new moons, holidays and more!

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