décembre 2, 2013
Enregistré le:
avril 17, 2013
Unless death is a constant part of our day, chances are we are not really accomplishing the reason we came into this world. In this lesson, Michael reveals how a person can draw endless Light to his/herself through a constant desire to kill an aspect of their ego for the sake of another. In fact, it does not matter how sharing, caring or how good of a person we may be, real spiritual work is fully dependent on how much one sets aside his or her own needs in order to truly care for someone else without receiving anything in return. If our work here on this earth could be encapsulated into one phrase, it would be: for the other.
Rejoignez Michael Berg, co-directeur du Centre de la Kabbale, alors qu'il transmet les enseignements des plus grands kabbalistes de l'Histoire dans ses puissantes leçons sur les dons et l'énergie que nous offre chaque semaine.