Yitro: Removing the Concealment of the Light
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Cours du Zohar avec Eitan Yardeni

Yitro: Removing the Concealment of the Light

Publié: décembre 9, 2013
Enregistré le: février 20, 2008

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Point clés du cours

  • The Ten Utterances connect to the Ten Sefirot: we can only connect to Light after it has been filtered
  • The Light never disappears,but there are barriers between us  
  • All of humanity had a total connection to the Light at the Revelation at Mount Sinai
  • Limitation is temporary concealment of the Light
  • Transforming ourselves and removing the concealment of the Light like Yitro (Jethro)
  • Every herb and plant channels a unique energy for healing into the world
  • Recognizing the source behind the cure
  • Addiction to physical things is idol worship
  • Love versus need; love is beyond what we are getting
  • Being the cause or effect in our lives
  • Incense in the Temple and the intention to transform and share
  • Reacting to triggers and giving up our free will
  • Restriction allows us to connect to the Light and see the big picture
  • Believing we have no choice as a part of addiction
  • Levels of making choices: choice in action and choice in consciousness
  • Even in seemingly hopeless situations we still have a choice
  • The necessity of attachment, ego, and mundane things; dealing with the world without addictions
  • Tu b’Shevat and the Four Kingdoms: Inanimate, Plant, Animal, Human
  • Tree (ilan) has the same numerical value as amen (91): the union between the spiritual and physical realm
  • Trees grow against gravity which is the earth’s Desire to Receive
  • Elevating sparks of Light and separating the good from the bad just as trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen
  • Identifying areas in our lives where we feel an over-attachment, addiction, or where we feel we have no free choice
  • Trusting the Light will allow us to creatively determine our choices; when we are fearful, we are not able to see the choice before us
  • Connecting to the Ten Utterances to remove all concealment
  • We are here to remove the pain and suffering of all mankind

Description du cours

The Revelation at Mount Sinai was a moment when all of humanity was fully connected to the Light, however the Light once again became concealed. Join Eitan as he provides us with the consciousness and tools to reveal the Light that is concealed in our lives by becoming the cause, rather than the effect.

Au sujet de ce cours

Écrit il y a 2 000 ans par le Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, le Zohar explique tous les secrets de la Bible, de l'Univers et de tous les aspects de la vie. Le cours du Zohar est un voyage hebdomadaire pour comprendre l'énergie et les défis auxquels nous serons confrontés pendant le semaine et comment nous pouvons élever notre conscience pour empêcher le chaos de se produire dans nos vies.

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