Emor: Accessing the Concealed Light
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Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.

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Cours du Zohar avec Eitan Yardeni

Emor: Accessing the Concealed Light

Publié: décembre 10, 2013
Enregistré le: avril 29, 2007

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Point clés du cours

  • Or HaGanuz (Concealed Light) was preserved for those who are ready to connect to it 
  • Elijah the Prophet's connection to the Or HaGanuz
  • The Concealed Light is revealed at the time of the Final Correction
  • The Zohar allows every person to access Or HaGanuz regardless of whatever level we are at
  • The High Priest as a pure channel
  • The purpose of Kabbalah is to help us to constantly change
  • Bringing more Light to the world by breaking the Ego and becoming a being of sharing 
  • Receiving the power of a tzadik (righteous soul)
  • The death of Rav Akiva's students because of disunity
  • Just as the angels work in pairs, we need relationships to achieve our purpose
  • Right, Left and Central Column giving
  • When we cannot receive it is because we do not want to give
  • Rav Isaac Luria in Gates of Reincarnation:  Ibur (a soul that joins our soul while we are alive to support us)
  • Identifying aspects of our ego that prevent us from receiving
  • The Rav's desire to be with his teacher
  • Roots of souls: we are all connected to one source
  • Elevated souls pass along higher consciousness to all of us
  • Building appreciation for the Zohar, the Or HaGanuz, and Rav Shimon bar Yochai
  • Rav Shimon and Rav Elazar’s time in the cave of Peki’in
  • The energy of the Zohar pushes us to change until we are able to see its secrets
  • The safety valve: The Zohar’s energy will not allow anyone to be hurt by using it
  • Completing our soul with a broken heart
  • Borrowing from our perfected self
  • Joy and happiness in the spiritual work
  • Rav Shimon denies the angel of death and saves the life of Rav Yitzchak
  • Spreading Zohar with the Zohar Project

Description du cours

Join Eitan as he explores how the power of our complete transformation and real change is required to reveal the Concealed Light.  The lesson of the portion of Emor is that with the support of Rav Shimon bar Yochai and the Zohar we can access the Concealed Light which will bring about the final removal of pain and suffering and establish mind over matter.  

Au sujet de ce cours

Écrit il y a 2 000 ans par le Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, le Zohar explique tous les secrets de la Bible, de l'Univers et de tous les aspects de la vie. Le cours du Zohar est un voyage hebdomadaire pour comprendre l'énergie et les défis auxquels nous serons confrontés pendant le semaine et comment nous pouvons élever notre conscience pour empêcher le chaos de se produire dans nos vies.

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