décembre 12, 2013
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Joseph The Righteous is the chariot for the sefirah of Yesod, channeling the Light from the 99% to our 1% world. By connecting with his energy through study on his hilulah (the day he left our physical world) we connect with the energy of sustenance and abundance we constantly seek as well as the ability to tap into the power of dreams and the ability to see the future. Join Rav Berg as he reveals these powerful insights and how we can connect with the 99% and draw more Light into our lives.
Présentant des conférences inédites et rarement vues des archives du Centre de la Kabbale, Insights From Rav Berg est une opportunité de vous connecter avec de nombreux enseignements clés du Rav Berg sur un large éventail de sujets, et notamment sur la signification profonde des portions hebdomadaires, des nouvelles lunes, des fêtes et plus encore !