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Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.
Guidance personnelle_ Les services du Centre de la Kabbale
Séances individuelles avec un professeur pour approfondir un domaine qui vous intéresse ou pour vous soutenir là où vous en avez le plus besoin. Les réunions se concentrent sur votre Tikkun personnel et sur une étude approfondie des textes du Zohar.
Song #3 Hatov Ki Chalav: helps us connect to blessings
Song #4 Bashem Hashem: helps us connect to the protection of angels and draws assistance from the Light
Song #21 K'ayal: awakens our desire and yearning for the Light of the Creator
Avoiding problems before the begin
King David and Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk
Song #20 Adereba: asking the Creator to only see the good in others, to show others the right path and that every action we do brings us closer to the Light
Song #9 Harachaman (from Brikat Hamazon): we ask to be in the Book of Life, at the days of Mashiach and to be in the world when the end of pain, suffering and death occurs
Understanding our role in removing chaos
Song #8 Mimkomcha: requesting that the Light shine completely into our world for the removal of all pain, suffering and death
Song #5 Elecha (Shema Hashem): calling to the Creator to awaken the ability for all of our prayers and requests always receive assistance from the Creator
Song #12 Umacha Hashem: connecting with the prophecy that all pain and tears are dried up, that there is no more pain and suffering in the world
The Singular desire to correct and connecting with all miracles
Song #2 Hineh El Yeshuati: The difference between a person who is connected and one who is not is certainty in the Creator's assistance
Song # Uli Yerushalim: asking that the Light returns to supernal Jerusalem and that the Light permeates from the source to the entire world
Song #24 Melech Rachaman: Asking for openings and mercy and that the Creator shines blessings down to us
Appreciation of Moses
Song #19 Avraham Avinu: connecting to the Light of the Chariots and drawing their assistance to our life
Song #17 Hine Yamim Baim: connecting to the prophecy and asking that all people have a true hunger for the Light of the Creator
Song #18 Vani Chasdecha Batachti: to have certainty and joy in difficult situations
Song #11 Shifchi Kamayim: awakening feeling the pain of the world and by feeling pain for others, removing that pain
Inspiration is for those who listen to you
Song #6 Ki Lishuatchah: awakening the desire for ourselves and the world for the Final Redemption to come sooner
Description du cours
Join Michael, Yehuda, the Rav and Karen for this special Melave Malka to celebrate Michael's birthday! This week Michael shares some of his favorite songs, revealing the consciousness behind them and how singing them assists us in our spiritual work.
Au sujet de ce cours
Melave Malka (Escorte de la mariée ou connexion du quatrième repas) est une opportunité de se connecter à l'énergie de la joie et aux parties supplémentaires de notre âme que nous recevons lors de chaque Shabbat. Les histoires sur les maîtres kabbalistes et le chant des mélodies kabbalistiques du samedi soir nous connectent à cette fenêtre temporelle pour changer notre destin.
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