août 13, 2024
Enregistré le:
juillet 27, 2023
During Tisha B'Av and the hilulah of Karen Berg, Michael Berg rejoices in the blessings and teachings of his parents and of all the kabbalists, to fulfill the job that our souls need to do, to complete the journey of removing pain and suffering from the world.
The Ninth of Av is the one day of the year when the negative force kabbalists call the Opponent rules for an entire 24 hour period. The Opponent is not a demon or devil, but a negative force of consciousness whose sole nature is receiving, chaos and selfishness. Many chaotic events have occurred on this day throughout history, but through prayer, reading the biblical scroll of Lamentations and additional kabbalistic tools, we can uproot this force of negativity and transform it to positivity.
On the Ninth of Av, 2020, Karen Berg passed on from this world. For speeches and celebrations of Karen Berg’s Day of Elevation, please click here.