Kosher Eating and The 3-Column System
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Food for the Soul

Kosher Eating and The 3-Column System

Publié: septembre 28, 2020
Enregistré le: juillet 15, 2020

Aimer 18 Commentaires 1 Partager

Point clés du cours

  • Kosher eating and the 3-Column System
    • Edible plants
    • The animal kingdom: fish, birds, insects and animals
    • Slaughtering in a humane way
    • Glatt Kosher and checking of the lungs
    • Not eating dairy products and meat together
    • Not eating insects
  • Eating from light to heavy: the impact on our physical and spiritual health
    • Vegetables, fruits, carbs, grains, bread and proteins
  • The four main kingdoms and the best time of year for supporting them:
    • Elements (Aries, Taurus and Gemini)
    • Vegetable (Cancer, Leo and Virgo)
    • Animal (Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius)
    • Human (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces)
  • The power of study while eating
  • Fasting

Description du cours

Join Michael as he delves further into the kabbalistic concept of kosher foods. He explains how eating kosher foods can connect us to the 3-column system, creating balance in our lives and increasing our ability to reveal our mission in life and the Light of our soul.

Au sujet de ce cours

Kabbalah teaches that food has both physical and spiritual aspects. Food is an essential part of life; we eat to satiate hunger, to nourish the body, and replenish our energy. Moreover, food also feeds the soul. We have the ability to tap into an abundant supply of spiritual energy provided by food. Join us for an illuminating course as we discover how to eat for the soul, and in turn, promote healthier lifestyle choices. Find out how to harness the true power of food through the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah—made ever so practical for your consumption.

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