Trouvez plus de sagesse et d'outils pour vous élever vous-même et pour améliorer votre vie et celle de vos proches. Des articles/vidéos hebdomadaires aux cours, en passant par les événements diffusés en direct et ceux en présentiel dans les Centres, il existe un plan d'adhésion pour tout le monde. Gérez votre adhésion ici.
Apprendre à connaître notre âme au travers de la carte astrologique qui nous correspond nous aide à donner plus de sens à notre vie et une meilleure compréhension des expériences auxquelles nous sommes confrontées, des personnes qui nous entourent, du travail que nous faisons au quotidien et de tous les détours auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur notre route.
Guidance personnelle_ Les services du Centre de la Kabbale
Séances individuelles avec un professeur pour approfondir un domaine qui vous intéresse ou pour vous soutenir là où vous en avez le plus besoin. Les réunions se concentrent sur votre Tikkun personnel et sur une étude approfondie des textes du Zohar.
Studying with fervor and enthusiasm the entire night of Shavuot releases all judgments and death energy from our life and from the entire world
Shavuot is the most powerful cosmic opening to tap into the Light of mercy for all creation
All our continuous and conscious actions of transformation bring the Final Redemption
Observing the Torah, meaning the mitzvot and prohibitions, help us correct our ego-based desire
We reveal powerful Light when we push ourselves to have certainty and purpose, to feel the connection with our Soul and with the Light
Death has to occur until each one of us correct the way we receive, meaning, completely transform the desire to receive for the self-alone
Pain is necessary, wake-up calls are necessary, difficulties are necessary to help us correct and evolve, but in Shavuot, we don't need any of that because that day we have the opportunity to reach a glimpse of a reality without judgment
Description du cours
Yosef Yeshurun delves deep into the essence of the most powerful and unique cosmic window known as Shavuot, and explains in a practical way how to truly take advantage of the Light that is available on this day.
Au sujet de ce cours
In the study of Kabbalah, the Omer refers to the 49 days between the cosmic openings of Pesach and Shavuot. When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt in ancient times, they received freedom without any effort on their part. Therefore, the kabbalists teach, the Creator withdrew the Light of Pesach in order to give the people the opportunity to earn that Light. This period of work is what is known as the Counting of the Omer, and encompasses the powerful hillulah of the author of the Zohar, Rav Shimon bar Yochai, known as Lag B’Omer. Join us for an illuminating course as we delve into the different spiritual aspects of the Omer and Shavuot.
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