septembre 18, 2020
Enregistré le:
septembre 10, 2020
In this lesson, we learn the secrets of the energy of Rosh Hashanah, which help us understand that frustration and agitation happen when so much energy of blessings is trying to enter, but the vessel is not big and strong enough to receive and hold it. Here, David Grundman invites us to arrive at Rosh Hashanah feeling and completely being, without thinking or dwelling in the past, so the powerful and cleansing energy of the prayers and the blowing of the shofar can purify us.
La Kabbale enseigne que ce sont des efforts constants et la conscience qui nous purifie réellement et élimine les jugements et les blocages de nos vies. Cette série de cinq vidéos donne des informations puissantes et des outils pour préparer les grandes vacances.