ינואר 8, 2014
הוקלט לראשונה:
אוקטובר 8, 2010
The portion of Noach relates the story of the flood or mabul as well as the destruction that occured during the Tower of Babel. In a portion that relates such extensive destruction, Michael Berg reveals how our individual actions accumulate and create our own Angel of Death, and how esential it is to approach our spiritual work with great care and precision so that rather than travel one of the 32,000 false paths that are presented to the soul upon leaving this world, we can find our way to the one true path. We also learn how the power of true humility can provide us with the ability to connect with the Light of the Final Redemption--the end of all pain, suffering and death.
חפרו עמוק והתמידו. השבוע החזיקו בחוזקה בכוח של לא לוותר לעולם ודחפו מעל ומעבר לאזור הנוחות שלכם, מכיוון שרק שם אנו מתחילים להזין את הנשמה שלנו.