A Promise of Rebirth – Moving Toward 2020
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A Promise of Rebirth – Moving Toward 2020

Ruth Nahmias
Agosto 28, 2019
Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

In astrology, every moment matters. The cosmic clock ticks as planets pursue their motion, and form different paths for each one of us, creating the unique blueprint of our soul. The New Year promises to be a turning point in world history — consciousness will change and the world will change. As we look back at this period, we’ll think of life in terms of what came “before the New Year” and “after the New Year.” The month of Virgo will open up beautiful opportunities to cleanse negativity from the past and spiritually prepare for what’s to come. 

"The month of Virgo has the exceptional power to cleanse negativity from the past."

The new kabbalistic year will be very intense from the first day until the very last. Each month will have an important planetary configuration that will undoubtedly set the tone for many years to come. As the kabbalists teach us, the month of Virgo has the exceptional power to cleanse negativity from the past (including past lives), giving us the opportunity to get “ready” for the tremendous cosmic changes of the remainder of 2019 and 2020.

If we contemplate the whole sequence of astrological events in the coming year, with its dramatic planetary alignments, we’ll see that there will be great intensity and changes on many levels. Astrologically, a new world order is programmed. There is a promise of rebirth and a new vision that will gradually unfold in the following months and years, and the seed level of all of that is in this month of Virgo!

One of the most powerful planetary aspects of the new kabbalistic year is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Astrologers around the world call it, “The Great Conjuction” or “The Messiah Conjunction.” Astrologically, it represents what direction our lives are taking on a personal and social level. It sets the tone for the “new path” and symbolizes a breakthrough, a shift of consciousness. We need to come up with new solutions and elevate global consciousness. While the earlier earth cycle drew attention to practical and financial matters, the cycle of Aquarius will bring a stronger focus on spirituality and new consciousness. 

"This month of Virgo is a true gift."

Another important conjunction is the Uranus–Pluto square, which pushes us toward rapid changes and the need to adapt to ongoing transitions. This intense and complex transit could, in fact, be the precursor to a big spiritual awakening. Simultaneously, the transits of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces also reflect deep existential questions arising from the growing desire to understand — the need to have answers in the now.

By the time of the New Moon, Mars, Venus, the sun, and Mercury are all in Virgo. All personal planets are in Virgo! Each of these bodies harmonize with Uranus in Taurus. As Rav Berg explains, the month of Virgo contains the “thought” of creation, the seed level of everything that came after. All of these planets in Virgo give us the opportunity to take charge of our lives; they give us the gift of awakening the true desire to change this month. This is a fertile and productive time since it prepares us for the entire year to come. Mercury, Virgo’s ruler, is direct, and is also in the sign of Virgo — a brilliant time for freeing ourselves from limitations, fear, anger, past lives, and obstacles.

With what’s awaiting us in the New Year, this month of Virgo is a true gift.

Chodesh tov
