Astrological Forecast for October 18-24, 2020
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Astrological Forecast for October 18-24, 2020

Rachel Itic
Ottobre 18, 2020
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This week continues the energy of Scorpio's New Moon, which started on the 16th and ends on the 23rd. As with every New Moon, the energy right now enables us to plant new seeds, begin new projects, or investigate new ideas; therefore, during this new cycle, we should focus all our attention towards something specific.

But what kind of seeds are good to plant this week? This New Moon begins the month of Scorpio, Mar Cheshvan, which is the eighth month on the lunar calendar. At this time, emotions are very intense and passionate. When jealousy, revenge, and resentment are on the surface, we search for power and control, creating dependent relationships. Sensual and seductive feelings turn up, and we may feel the need to do activities in a secretive manner.

Scorpio gives us the chance to make radical changes; it’s a sign that invites us to look inside ourselves to discover who we are, as well as become more intimate with others. This month opens the door to our sixth sense—to our intuition—helping us connect with the spiritual world. This being said, the seeds we want to plant for this month are related to managing our need to control. Get out of dependent relationships, leave the jealousy behind (as well as the envy and resentment), radically transform a habit, or connect with your sixth sense and intuition.

Noach, the portion of this week, can be found every year on the first couple of days of Scorpio's New Moon. This portion tells us about the negative behavior of the inhabitants of Earth, where the desire to receive was intended for themselves, and this brought the flood as an effect. This event ended the world as it existed until then, leading to a different world that brought transformation, which is a feature of Scorpio's month. That energy is available this week, and with this consciousness, we can ask to transform in a proactive way, not through the pressure the cosmos imposes upon us.

As the week progresses and we arrive on the 23rd day of October, the moon’s cycle will reach the first quarter and finish off its journey with a Full Moon on October 31st. This moon will continue to support the energy of new beginnings, so it is still recommended that we start projects and plant seeds. Although, under this moon, the greatest benefit of all is making decisions and having the willpower to accomplish our goals.

On October 23rd, the Sun enters into Scorpio, bringing with it more forceful and magnetic energy of the sign. The sun in this zodiac position is intuitive, intense, powerful, emotional, and intimate. In essence, it represents desire. Its virtues are commitment and loyalty, and its weakness is resentment, obsession, and manipulation. Use this week’s energy to open your heart emotionally to others and have a true desire for the Creator's Light, not for the illusion of having control.

We cannot ignore the energy of the retrograde planets, especially Mercury and Mars, which are planets that affect everyday life. Before entering into particularities, we need to understand that when we talk about a retrograde planet, it doesn’t mean it is going backward, but that from the Earth’s point of view, it seems like it’s going backward. The effect it causes is that the planet doesn’t perform its duties well, and its energy tends to be used in an excessive way (or not at all). In addition, it brings us lessons from the past that repeat themselves to give us the opportunity to overcome them.

Mercury is the communication planet and goes retrograde on October 14th and comes out of it on November 2nd. This period involves difficulty in communication, misunderstandings, and the failure of any tool that supports communication, such as computers, phones, and the internet. It can even affect modes of transportation, like cars and traffic routes. Knowing this, we recommend having patience and tolerance. On the other hand, this aspect is beneficial with anything that has to do with repetition, like revising, rearranging, reanalyzing, etc. On this second or third or fourth repetition of an action, we will find success. We shouldn’t lose sight that Mercury is in Scorpio, which communicates from emotion and manipulation and can lead us to be very direct and even cruel, bringing other people’s wounds to the surface. Remember, this energy will not offer any benefit; use emotions to communicate with compassion and keep in mind that manipulation can be exchanged for certainty.

As for Mars retrograde in Aries, this influence comes from months ago and will be with us until mid-November. Despite its length, it is not an energy that we can get used to easily because of the impulsiveness and aggressiveness it generates. Remind yourself to apply restriction to create space so the Light can enter before you act forcefully and aggressively.

This week we have a few planets in air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) that usually provide us with a keen mind, reflection, intelligence, quickness, lightness, and superficiality. It is through our own efforts that we will integrate this energy to create balance full of emotional intensity.
