Astrology for April 2013
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Astrology for April 2013

Yael Yardeni
Aprile 9, 2013
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Dear friends:

First of all, what a chart for April! We are about to enter next week the new moon of Taurus, which should normally be a fun happy, healing time kabbalistically… forget about it!

The chart of April and the lunar month of Taurus is everything but resting! We have 7 fire planets and aspects at the 1st of the month! Fire symbolizes in kabbalah action, passion, restlessness, conquest. What is the nature of the fire: disseminate or die! Uranus the planet of revolutions is very close to the sun, so everyone of us should look for a way to renew ourselves internally this month. It can become a very good ground for creativity, provided we control our reactive natures!

Here is our survival kit for April: patience, dialogue, communication, mediation! Even the calmest of signs is going to feel that he wants to strangle someone this month! Avoid confrontations at all costs, and its very important to internalizes things, meaning to ask this month: what's my lesson? Why is it in my movie and what can I learn from it, otherwise, its going to be everyone else's faults and broch endless arguments and nerves!

How are the signs going to react to this?

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):
They are in their elements this month and actually so overexcited that they will feel beyond themselves. They need to calm down urgently or their spouses and families are going to suggest they should leave the house at once!

Fire, take a meditation class, yoga, or a spiritual course you totally need it! Your perseverance will pay this month!

If you are calm and quiet internally you are going to see amazing opportunities of reinvention, and a deeper understanding as to why things have happened to you in the past few month! More wisdom waiting for you as long as you are not looking for an argument!

Financially: continue planning the year ahead, and be more original, you may discover where your money has been disappearing for the past year!!!

Love: don't throw the baby and the bathwater! This all month, its your partner that is right, not you! The ones that are still single, it’s a good time to window shop ONLY!

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
Where is the earth gone! We are almost in the lunar month of Taurus and the cosmos is like a blazing fire! Until mid-April when Venus will enter Taurus, you guys will feel very stressed and out of sorts, the second part of April will be a lot better, the cosmos is pushing you guys to change, and changes are not your cup of tea! Make sure you don't break the communication this month, that’s the most important. Otherwise, you will be like cactuses this whole month! Ask for help for once!

Finances: you need to be more proactive otherwise amazing opportunities will be lost! Be less conservative!

Love: you need to change your attitude towards love this month, and it needs to change permanently! Its not enough to stick around we have to proactively share!

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
A very good social month, but somewhat a bit confusing. You guys will feel a bit torn this month since your thinking processes are undergoing a deep change, due to the Venus cycle.

Your whole attitude towards life is shifting and you should share that experience with your close friends! Socially and economically a lot of roads are opening up for you guys.

It's time to gain a lot of depth about life, not to look for the comfort zone!

Financially: dare more there will be amazing fruits

Love: show the change to your partner or to your close friends they will be much more drawn to you! For the singles, love is very near project your best self!

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Oh dear, the water signs don't know what to do with themselves, or where to go this month… maybe a cruise for the whole month?? Since Pluto is regimenting the chart for April, you guys feel very limited by its rigidity, and we know you need space to create! Make sure you take some personal time to think and not answer phones sometimes, the heat is very much on and you need a bit of a break. Mercury will enter Aries mid-April, and its likely to get all your emotions out! Warn the people around you to not take anything personally this month, or big diplomatic incidents could happen!

Financially: the second part of April you will feel more in control.

Love: warning: your partner is not a punching ball!!! Go do some sport or swim and calm down before you say anything!
