Astrology Forecast for August 2-8, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for August 2-8, 2020

Rachel Itic
Agosto 2, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week gifts us with one of the more powerful cosmic openings of the year: Tu b’Av, which astrologically happens every full moon during the month of Av (Leo). This full moon is the opposition of the sun and the moon, one facing the other.

The sign of Leo is the strongest position for the sun; therefore, this connection is the most intense one of the year. This aspect creates complete harmony between the luminaries, bringing balance and great support into relationships. This is also a great time for new beginnings. Tu b’Av is considered one of the best times to get married since it’s also known as the Day of Love. Take some time to share with others, especially with your significant other.

An Aquarius moon invites us to be more concerned about the well-being of others, social surroundings, and humanitarian actions. We desire freedom, and this moment is ideal for letting go of ties. In addition, this is a good time to integrate changes. The sun from Leo lights up Aquarian beginnings (or principles), providing them with success, achievement, shine, visibility, and consolidation. As we mentioned previously, the sun in the sign of Leo is strengthened, and this week gives us vitality and energy of healing through its harmonic connection (trigone) with the asteroid Chiron, the healer, which supports the healing processes, especially the ones that have to do with self-esteem and spirit.

In addition to the full moon, we have Mercury, the planet of communication, entering Leo. Be conscious of the way you communicate, since we can be authoritarian, arrogant, and conceited in the way we relate to others. Venus starts its cycle in Cancer, and thanks to this, we will be more receptive, tender, nostalgic, and thoughtful toward any situations related to affection and love. Be careful not to take things too personally.

This week's astrological climate marks a greater energy of both fire and earth elements. Fire empowers us, and helps us to see our value and will power, giving us enthusiasm and long-range vision. The element of earth helps us to manifest all of that energy; however, we must be aware of the inflexibility and authoritarianism that comes out of the combination between these two elements. Also, we may tend to act or take action in a more impulsive way at this time. To create balance, be conscious so that you can be more sensitive and empathetic.

The keywords of this week are culminate, shine, break free, and change.
