Astrology Forecast for August 23-29, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for August 23-29, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Agosto 23, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week is a mix of so many cosmic influences and aspects that at times it can feel like we are riding a roller coaster. The sun enters into the sign of Virgo on August 22nd, and it accompanies Mercury in Virgo, as well. This is a strong note of Virgo since Mercury is the ruling planet of the sign.

As the week starts, we want to remember that in this month, we need to learn how to flow, be flexible, and at times be spontaneous. Try to avoid extreme perfectionism, judgment, or a critical approach that can very easily creep in at times during this month. At the same time, we have a boost of energy to help us stay on task and pay attention to details.

On August 24th, we face the first challenging aspect of the week where Mars and Saturn are in a conflicting aspect. This aspect is like trying to drive at high speed while one leg is on the brakes. Mars in Aries compels us to do, to act, to accomplish, and to conquer. Saturn in Capricorn, on the other hand, doesn’t allow things to happen or progress as fast as we want.

The first piece of advice for the week is if you want to avoid frustration, don’t try to fight or resist Saturn’s slowing motion. If the universe is signaling you to slow down or take a break, listen.

On the other hand, the planet Mercury is flourishing this week with two trines (positive aspects). On August 25th, Mercury trines Uranus, and that can potentially bring us some positive or exciting surprises. If we stay tuned in and positive, we can also experience strange circumstances that can miraculously work for us.

On August 29th, Mercury has another positive aspect to Jupiter, which can support and help us with positive thinking—especially if things don’t go our way, or don’t progress as fast as we would like them too with Mars and Saturn challenging aspects, as we mentioned before.

Since, in the month of Virgo, we can fall into nitpicking and focusing on what is wrong, this week tries to tap into the most positive approach and point of view as possible.
