Astrology Forecast for August 30 - September 5, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for August 30 - September 5, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Agosto 30, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week is one of those weeks that can potentially help us awaken the force of love, empathy, and compassion in our lives and for the entire world. We are in the midst of the month of Virgo. Virgos are known for their powerful ability to care and offer service to others. They are known for their ability to work hard, complete tasks, and resolve issues. This gift is given to all of us in this month, but we also should be aware of the potential difficulty of being so practical.

The challenge is to connect emotionally and feel in our hearts, versus relying only on knowing in our heads what is the right thing to do. This week provides a few opportunities to awaken our hearts—to awaken more love and empathy in everything that we do.

On August 30th, there are two forceful face-offs, or oppositions. One opposition is between Mercury and Neptune, and the other is between Venus and Pluto. These oppositions highlight the challenge to be more emotionally tapped in and intuitive with our daily tasks and interaction with others. But if we work on tuning into this cosmic opportunity, we can connect to the power of Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces and allow our intuition to guide us (not just our heads).

On September 2, the moon takes its full-moon position, which is in Pisces. The full moon is the other opposition—this time between the sun and the moon—forcing us to find the balance between the 1% and the 99% reality. Another way to think of it is as an opposition between the known, familiar approach, and the more open, spontaneous, and flowing approach. It’s a day to stay on task, but stay open and ask the Creator for guidance in opening our hearts and spiritual minds so we can walk on the path that the Light knows is better for us.

Towards the last three days of the week, Venus in Cancer and Mercury in Virgo are forming another powerful trine (positive aspect). We will get a powerful boost from the universe to strengthen our relationships and improve our communication with our partners. The cosmos will allow a greater flow of positive energy to awaken love, tenderness, and compassion in the month of Virgo, where logic and practicality pull us strongly in the other direction.

