Astrology Forecast for December 13-19, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for December 13-19, 2020

Ruth Nahmias
Dicembre 13, 2020
Mi piace 38 Commenti 10 Condividi

We now enter the lunar month of Capricorn and the last New Moon of the year, and 2020 couldn’t have ended in a more grandiose manner. It’s as if all the important transits of the year have been waiting for December.

The name of this weekly portion, Miketz, means “an end.” And it is, indeed, an end of an era, so to speak. There was a lot of build-up in 2020. Like a suspenseful movie, we’ve been given clues. Yet, at times we’ve been left wondering when things didn’t quite make sense. In December, the plot is finally revealed. This is the Grand Finale.

The result? We doubt everything. We even doubt ourselves. But this process is absolutely necessary if we want to upgrade our understanding of reality and of ourselves. Everything will start to make sense again when we pass the test of doubt.

This is a good time to examine our beliefs. Are they still valid? Do they still reflect the person we’ve become? Both Jupiter and Pluto are concerned with finding the truth. Ultimately, Jupiter, conjunct with Pluto, wants to help you find your own truth, your personal power. And we can only unleash our true personal power when we stop being afraid of who we are. That’s the energy of Miketz—putting an end to our fears.

What a December! There has been a lot going on, but it was all part of the process. You’re now ready for a New Year.

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