Astrology Forecast for February 14-20, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for February 14-20, 2021

Miriam Ashkenazi
Febbraio 13, 2021
Mi piace 22 Commenti 4 Condividi

"The paradox of life is that when we give, we are, in fact, the true receivers." – Karen Berg

This week begins with Valentine’s Day, which happens to be supported with very loving, dreamy, and romantic cosmic aspects. With Mercury conjunct to Jupiter, the channel of communication is open, and there is more potential for flow, openness, and understanding in our relationship with others. The energy continues to support us when the moon ends its cycle in the sign of Pisces on Monday morning and adds a flair of creativity and dreaminess, encouraging all the poets among us to share and express what we feel.

This positive cosmic influence is followed by harsher and more challenging cosmic influences as the week progresses. On Wednesday, we experience one of the most challenging aspects of the entire year. Saturn in Aquarius squares the planet Uranus in Taurus, with an additional strong emotional effect by the moon conjunction to Uranus. This is a time when the more violent and aggressive expressions of the rabble have the potential to be manifested, and the ones that feel bullied get additional power to fight against any constraining forces.

The issue with this harsh energy is that any “push back” can be much more explosive, angry, and lacking in mercy. If you start to acknowledge those feelings and desire to set things straight, I would recommend choosing another time when the universe does not have such a strong influence with painful and aggressive aspects. Even if you find yourself wanting to make peace and create more harmony, this might be challenging this week. With this potentially crazy cosmic setting, the energy in the cosmos can get out of hand.

At the end of the week, Mercury turns direct again and brings more mental balance and clarity. And as the moon in Gemini sends good vibes to all the planets that we have in Aquarius right now, the energy of peace, common sense, and unity can better influence any of our decisions and actions.

This week will be a great time to focus on one of the main ideas and secrets that this weekly portion teaches us. Let’s follow Karen Berg’s insight on this week's Parsha, considering the building of the holy temple and the contribution that each was directed to give towards this mission by the Creator:

Contributing, or giving, is the only way to consistently sustain the Light of the Creator and keep the positive energy in our lives. For blessings can only dwell if you make a space for them. We make this space when we contribute to the lives of others. In this way, we build our lives so that we may receive all that we were born to receive.

– Karen Berg

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