Astrology Forecast for February 7-13, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for February 7-13, 2021

Miriam Ashkenazi
Febbraio 7, 2021
Mi piace 28 Commenti 2 Condividi

This week has the potential to read like an enticing drama with a great ending. The question is, how are we going to handle this energy? How are we going to make it work for us and help us evolve in the most strong and uplifting way? Our ability to ascend above challenges and utilize these gifts will determine what type of a week we are going to experience.

The week starts with a great cosmic gift. Mercury is in retrograde, and it will reach a pivotal moment when it goes conjunct with the sun on Monday, February 7th. This could be a good day for brainstorming and perhaps reaching some sort of epiphany or clarity. As the moon moves to the sign of Capricorn on the following day (Tuesday, February 8th), it forms a positive aspect to Uranus and Mars in Taurus, which can allow us to manifest and actualize what we might have seen so clearly the day before.

As the week progresses, we face a cosmic challenge. Mercury reaches a defining moment on Wednesday, February 10th, when it squares Mars in Taurus and the moon conjunct all celestial bodies that are in Aquarius right now (Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and the sun). This is a day when we should be prepared to do everything in our power to gain emotional balance. Take the time to sort the wheat from the chaff, and be ready to end any type of relationship that might be damaging in our lives. If we feel bullied in any way or we are part of any abusive relationship, this day can tilt the scale so we can claim our own power and exit what is not good for us. Connect only with people who are a source of support and have a positive influence on us.

Then Thursday and the rest of the week comes with an influence to help us get stronger and follow our unique paths. The moon in Aquarius does not make any significant aspects which allow us to feel stronger on our own or to carve a new way forward outside of the collective. As we progress, there is an energy of love and fireworks in the air with a Venus and Jupiter conjunction thrown into the mix.

This week’s portion, Mishpatim, allows us to connect to the true power of a soulmate. Keep in mind what Rav Berg taught us from his lessons of this week, so we can elevate and connect to the cosmic and kabbalistic blessings available.

“The Zohar is teaching us through the portion of Mishpatim how to expand our consciousness, how we can resist the decisions that inevitably bring chaos, pain, and suffering. What a wonderful opportunity so that we no longer are slaves to the whims of this physical reality that somehow has such a broadening power.

This is the portion of Mishpatim – how we can truly find our soulmate, whether it be in marriage, business, or in every and any other aspect of human relationship. Through this reading, we can expand our awareness to see things as they truly are.” – Rav Berg

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