Astrology Forecast for June 5-11, 2016
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Astrology Forecast for June 5-11, 2016

Yael Yardeni
Giugno 5, 2016
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

Hi everyone! On Monday night we enter the Gemini lunar zone, finally!

Let’s find out what energy awaits us, so we can make the best of it!

By far, the nicest feature of this month is the beautiful conjunction of the moon and Venus in Gemini, which creates a more peaceful communication and facilitates a healthier environment. Even Mercury, the celestial body of this month, is in direct motion, but still in peaceful Taurus. Mars continues to be grumpy in Scorpio retrograde. But hey, nothing is ever perfect!

Actually, Mars in retrograde will help us correct actions from our past, simply by summoning them in our memory, then deciding on a better course of action. The strongest cosmic message is definitely peace and communication. This whole month, we should take it upon ourselves to optimize our welcoming of new ideas and opening up to others.

The key to understanding the sign of Gemini is the word ‘speech.’ Rav Ashlag calls man “the animal that can talk.” This is the reason both Gemini and Virgo months are very important time zones. When we take a closer look, the entire zodiac is represented by animals! The ram, the bull, the goat… The only signs that are represented by humans are Gemini and Virgo, which are both ruled by Mercury, the carrier of knowledge and messenger of the planets.

Men are born to speak, communicate, unite groups, and spread understanding. And that’s the exact energy revealed this month. Our teacher, Rav Berg used to stress the idea that Gemini is the central of the central column energy – the Light of restriction, which is only proper to mankind.

We all have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde within ourselves! This month is about becoming really human, with compassion, Light, restriction, and openings. In other words, controlling Mr. Hyde!

Famous Geminis include Anne Frank, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Che Guevara, Henry Kissinger, and more.

Now, let’s get ready for a brand new level of humanity and compassion filled with peace and love!

On a practical level, we need to make sure every word coming out of our mouths is meant to elevate ourselves and others. A great challenge indeed!

To be continued…


