Astrology Forecast for the Kabbalistic Year 5780
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Astrology Forecast for the Kabbalistic Year 5780

Yael Yardeni
Ottobre 29, 2019
Mi piace Commenti 1 Condividi

A New Order for All Mankind

The Hebrew year 5780 is very important because it marks the beginning of a new era: the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which initiates a new 20-year cycle. In traditional astrology, the Jupiter-Saturn connection is the most important planetary cycle used to study historical periods and patterns. The conjunction between these two happens once every 20 years and it marks the beginning of a new political, economic, and cultural era. The year 5780 (2019-2020) represents the beginning of a period in which the economic balance of the world will be re-established and society will know a new order. This will be both a blessing and a curse, especially as rebellious Uranus is now in Taurus. Much of the world’s economy is likely to be disturbed by this transit. So, patience is on the menu! This year will also be marked by four partial lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses, which will have a rather spiritual impact on humankind.

In 2020, Mercury will go retrograde during the following dates:

  • February 17th – March 10th
  • June 18th – July 12th
  • October 14th – November 3rd

Mark these dates on the calendar! Since Mercury retrograde affects the vibration of our communication, great care should be taken during these time zones. Double-check contracts, emails, and your mode of transportation.

"Mark these dates on the calendar!"

Venus in retrograde motion has a significant impact on the way we understand and process social contact and (in general) love. Past difficulties may reemerge in the period between May 13th and June 25th in order for us to correct them.

Pluto in Retrograde motion (between April 25th and October 4th) will bring sudden, yet important changes throughout the remainder of 2020. It will be marked by a possible period of withdrawal, loneliness, and a sense of loss felt by all of us. After overcoming all of these feelings, a great spiritual evolution and transformation awaits us.

Jupiter is in Capricorn. Finally! Diligence, discipline, and responsibility are three qualities all zodiac signs will gain thanks to Jupiter. Joining Saturn in the same sign, Jupiter will generate a desire for more justice, more education, as well as more depth and meaning in everything we do.

In conclusion, 5780 is a year dedicated to re-evaluation and long-term goals, which will require objectivity and perseverance. Jupiter in Capricorn ensures we feel confident and open toward the future, while Uranus in Taurus will help us gain another perspective towards our material belongings. Get ready to be rocked by this whole year! Expect the unexpected.

Here's what to expect from each of the coming months in the 2019-2020 kabbalistic calendar year:

Scorpio - Mar Cheshvan

One of the trends of 5780 is that every month is really extreme in its cosmic weather. Lunar Scorpio is no exception! This month has seven planets in water with a hurricane of five planets in Scorpio in the sixth house, and the rising sign in extremely airy Gemini (the air of the air). In addition, all the malefics (Saturn, Mars, and Pluto) are in the most problematic eighth astrological house, traditionally ruled by Scorpio. The eighth house rules deep obstacles — think, a mini death and a personal rebirth. Overall, there are many emotional ups and downs.

This month is all about naked vision and deep insight, as if the cosmos was emanating x-rays, allowing us to see like we never have before. It’s a little like being stripped of all our layers of protection. All of a sudden, our inner thoughts and feelings are raw and exposed. In many ways this will turn out to be a blessing for all, but it’s very uncomfortable.

In addition, Venus is conjunct with Mercury, which offers a significant boost on expressing our inner-selves and desires. We are also very blessed with Jupiter ending its cycle in Sagittarius. Expect key meetings and encounters, and even more depth in our spiritual journey.

The fire signs this month are not very happy campers, since they will be more transparent than usual, and all their weaknesses will be exposed. So difficult to view! No worries though, it’s very uncomfortable, but very necessary to deflate all ego tendencies! Be prepared for a lot of adventure in your love life! Earth signs will feel inspired to do a lot more, and will see their ambitions rise to better standards. It’s time to learn to give true love with no benefits! Air signs will have the toughest time this month. (Feelings, what are those?) This is a great time to practice being a human and surrender to your loved ones. And Water signs will feel like fish in the sea…but be careful of tidal waves. Don’t dive deep, stay near the surface to find grounding as your love life is rocked.

Sagittarius - Kislev

Strangely, the astrological signature of this month is Aries! Eight fire planets and no air! The fire of lunar Sagittarius is looking to breathe and expand, but right now it is a prisoner in the twelfth house, traditionally ruled by Pisces. Gosh, where has our free will gone?

The sun and moon are suspended and waiting to act. In addition, peaceful Venus joins the three malefics in Capricorn. This is a very dry thunder storm. Thank God, the end of this month will see the “wholly day” of light: Chanukah to warm up our hearts.

There is another aspect that is slightly worrying — Uranus is in opposition to Mars, which is the recipe of a really explosive chart. Meditate and pray for world peace and stability. Even Venus is challenged. In fact, our messenger of peace faces a lot of doubt. The MC is at a critical angle of zero degrees in Libra. With such a slight degree, peace feels very volatile. Our task this month is to be like the dove of Noah and hold the olive branch on behalf of all humankind. On December 14th, there is a total solar eclipse, which will be visible in the Pacific Ocean and in the southern part of North America. This cosmic event will bring radical changes, hopefully for the better.

This month, fire signs are at a standstill. Their patience is being tested, but they will gain greater perseverance and bigger vision and goals. In love, it’s time to move in together or move on to your next level! Earth signs are a bit at a boiling point right now and need to be extra careful not to lose their cool, especially in their love lives. No rash decisions should be taken. Air signs are rumbling and grumpy, but the second half of the lunar month will be more favorable for them. Commitment in love? Why not? Water signs are gaining a greater understanding of their mission in life, and will feel much more motivated by the end of this month. Time to declare your flame!

Capricorn - Tevet

This is a very important moment in the history of mankind as seven planets will all be aligned in Capricorn. The rising chart of the lunar month is in Leo. Many astrologers refer to this period as a great opportunity for the world to shift, especially in the style of its leadership. It’s the historical moment to add a new level of global spiritual consciousness. Neptune is in Pisces in this generation, as it was in the time of the Ari during the 16th century, which is considered the Golden Age of Kabbalah.

Jupiter is also leaving Sagittarius and entering Capricorn, from December 3rd, 2019 to December 8th 2020. This huge step can be translated as empowered wealth, a greater responsibility in public duty, and improved faith and morality. Planting key seeds for the future and improving new systems in all domains of life are the two main points of the current transits.

More perseverance is in the air, and thank God — the Millennials really needed that! The Gregorian year will also see improvement of the justice system — all in all, a great global transformation is cooking. Last time the same alignment occurred was 561 BC and the next will be in 2854. So, this transit happens roughly every 500 years. Let’s grab the opportunity to make positive alterations for the world now!

Fire signs are preparing great changes and will rocket up in the middle of the month. In love, be cautious not impulsive! Earth signs are active, happy, and industrious, and a lot more creative and productive than usual. It’s a great time for deepening love relationships. Air signs will help everyone communicate better this month. Their job is to be a channel for all their loved ones, and they will perform greatly. Time to take love to the next level. Water signs are a little stuck and stagnant right now, but not to worry, the planets will slowly shift and give them the oxygen they require. In love, don’t be so intense water, or you will drown your partner!

Aquarius - Shevat

The new moon’s chart contains six water planets and five earth planets. Whatever happened to the air of Aquarius? In fact, many planets are in already in the following sign of Pisces (Stellium), such as the rising sign, and of course, Neptune. Since both the sun and the moon are in the 12th house, we are accessing our feelings in a completely different manner as the cosmos places us in a different radio frequency, an octave higher. It’s a very sensitive time for all of us, but also a very positive one for manifestation.

It’s time to bring our ideas and ideals to fruition in the most grounded way. The domain that is dominant this month is the 11th house, the one of altruism and philanthropy. For those of us who have an idea for a start-up company, or hope to create a non-profit, this is the time to act! Mars in fiery Sagittarius is a great force for action.

Our most radical ideas will be positively influenced by the compassionate energy of Pisces, leading many of us to realize our prejudices and preconceived ideas are actually blocking our spiritual growth. Saturn is slowly ending its cycle in Capricorn before entering Aquarius, where it will carry and activate all the changes that have been made both for ourselves and humankind.

Fire signs may be taken by surprise by the energy of this month. They will have to curb their enthusiasm and funnel all their energies slowly and constructively, earth style! In love, it’s time to be vulnerable — that’s a big step for the fire! Earth signs are very happy and in their elements pursuing their goals and achieving them very nicely. Perhaps, it’s a good idea for them to go out of the box a bit and journey a few extra miles. Time for romance; it’s a great moment to declare your flame. Air signs are learning that the absence of speech is a necessary evil for growth! The cosmos is holding them back, so they can internalize their theories and reach the right conclusions. In love, beware! Many traps are on the road; caution is on the menu. Water signs are extra emotional this month, and they have to get out of their shells and take risks. In love, interesting meetings will occur, which could change the course of their destiny.

Pisces - Adar

The kabbalists say, when Adar enters, we should be joyful. What an interesting time zone, indeed! This month’s chart looks like water with four planets in Pisces, but inside, it’s all fire! In fact, the fifth astrological house of love, creativity, arts and children is the most reinforced this month. This house is attributed to the sign of Leo, and it will shine a bright light on our lives. Time to take on a new hobby, go back to the creative skills we once had and may have lost, and think about bettering ourselves through joy... without, of course, falling into the trap of thinking only about ourselves. (Venus in Aries, anyone?)

Interestingly, it’s a great time to go back to school, study, or get a higher degree and deepen our knowledge. The third astrological house is also packed with planets, giving us great incentives to place order in our knowledge too.

Fire signs are motivated to pursue their efforts, and should consider helping others in their journey. In love, they shine brightly — humility is on the menu! Earth signs will learn that speaking their minds is a divine attribute. They will experience the release of much pressure. In love, they should be more forgiving. Air signs should concentrate on their family lives and their immediate surroundings. A little patience can go a long way in showing your love. Water signs feel very inspired and uplifted. Time for action. In love, a flame is rekindled and they should take a leap of faith.

Aries - Nissan

Welcome to the new astrological year — the head of the 12 zodiac months and another opportunity to fix ourselves at the seed level, as Aries represents the potential of the year to come. The chart of this month gives us mixed feelings. The fire of Aries is well tempered by planets in Taurus and Capricorn. In fact, it feels more like a slower earth month than the bright fire we are used to in Nissan! No worries, good work can still be done.

The eighth astrological house of transformation and reinvention is activated along with the tenth house of accomplishments. We may have promised ourselves many things in the past year, like going to the gym more often, taking on better eating habits, etc. Well, now is the time to implement all these desires. The strong saturnine energy will push us forward to help us persevere this month. Saturn already shifted to the sign of Aquarius, and slowly things are starting to fall into place in our lives. We may not be feeling the usual Aries fire works, but our energy is strong and centered, and that is the most important thing.

Fire signs are a bit hesitant, but the cosmos is pushing them forward. In love, it is time to settle and compromise. Peace is paramount right now. Earth signs feel very supported and will come up with great solutions at work. In love, beware of too many compromises. Air signs will have better opportunities to express themselves, but it should be for the sake of peace. In love, be mindful, but light. Water signs might feel a little foggy, but their good instincts will kick off at the end of the month. In love, beware of fatal attractions!

"Wishing you a Light-filled New Year!"

Taurus - Iyar

Great news: this month is a lot lighter than we thought! As a matter of fact, many planets are in air signs. Venus is already in Gemini, and Mars and Saturn are both in Aquarius! Thank God, the Omer period seems better than usual. The great gift of this time period is cooperation and unity, as the seventh astrological house of partnerships is reinforced, especially in the domain of work. The cosmos is giving us great opportunities to open up to others and build together a better future. Care should be taken to prepare confrontations well, and smooth out all important conversations, as Mercury is still in Aries.

With Jupiter conjunct with Pluto, it is essential not to cut corners in our lives. It’s better to pay for parking than get an expensive ticket! The law of cause and effect is a lot more obvious than usual. Care should be taken to bring justice and fairness in all conflicts.

Fire signs will feel at ease with the chart’s rising in Leo this month. In love, beware of decisions you may regret! Earth signs are investing a lot in their career and the fruits will be wonderful in the future. Time to plan a little ceremony for your beloved, perhaps renewing your vows in the next lunar month. Air signs feel a little electrified intellectually, and should seek calm and rest. In love, good advice from a friend is welcome. Water signs are feeling inspired and dreamy. In love, they should set better boundaries. 

Gemini - Sivan

Welcome to the new moon of Gemini, with four planets in this sign! We are all feeling a bit frazzled and all over the place as the new moon’s chart is packed with mutable planets. Neptune and Mars are both in mutable Pisces, as well. The patience and perseverance of the previous months has gone out the window! Time to adjust, adapt, and let go of all that is unnecessary in our lives, whether it’s a job, an old acquaintance, or half of your wardrobe! This is the time for a clean slate, emotionally too! Whatever has blocked us or slowed us down needs to be put aside, and our mission this month is to fly higher and higher.

June 5th and 6th will see a lunar eclipse, which will truly help us humble ourselves spiritually and grow. The strongest domain this month is the “other” (the western hemisphere of the chart). We should push ourselves to look after the best interests of others, because in the end, the Light will take care of us.

Fire signs are very happy and proactive, and the wind helps them conquer greater territory. In love, it’s time to show ourselves and take a chance. Earth signs feel that their world is spinning and turning upside down! Time to let go of control. In love, surprise your partner! Air signs are like fish in the water! They feel inspired and unstoppable, but need to slow down a bit. In love, playfulness is on the menu! Water signs are hiding behind the curtain, and should take more risks. In love, time to wed!

Cancer - Tammuz

This month is colored with cardinal planets, as the chart’s rising is in impulsive Aries, and the sun is at exactly zero degrees cancer! This is the perfect opportunity to carefully plan our future, as safety is our priority. Jupiter and Pluto are opposing the fourth astrological house, to give us the incentive to build home and house, or perhaps even relocate to a better place.

In fact, as fitting for lunar Cancer, some issues of the past might reappear, especially concerning family matters, or perhaps inheritance. A solar eclipse occurs exactly at the birth of the new moon, enabling us to put our egos and agendas aside and just do what is right. The cosmos teaches us a very precious lesson this month: our lives should always be a win-win situation. Our interests and the interests of others are equally as important. Many blessings will come to all of us when we think of things that way.

Its time to eliminate the space between us and others, and make our close surroundings feel more safe and full of love.

Fire signs feel very mushy this month, and occasionally very reactive, as well! Explain yourselves, Fire; we can’t read your minds. In love, home is where the heart is. Earth signs are highly valued this month, and will be a great support for others. In love, it’s time to get to the thick of things. Air signs are a bit “under the weather” during the second half of the month. No worries, you will feel better soon. In love, take a stand for what you believe. Water signs should use this time to understand themselves better. Time for a retreat away from others. In love, avoid confrontations and continue investing.

Leo - Av

What a strange month! There is barely any fire in the cosmos right now. But Mars is in Aries to save the day! Of course, the first ten days of Av are considered difficult. It is highly advisable to not pick a fight, antagonize, or even speak as three heavy planets in Capricorn are burdening our communication and thoughts. Saturn is also in retrograde motion, back in the previous sign of Capricorn. Our best option right now is to wait for a later date to express what we truly feel. In addition, Uranus is opposing the rising of the chart, and it creates unexpected bursts and strange behaviors in our surroundings. Our job right now is to pacify all the spirits, and not to trust what we see. Neptune in retrograde in the fourth house creates mirages, which will dissipate in the next month. The cosmos is advising us to use the path of wisdom and sensibility. It’s also a great idea to inspire ourselves with books, and maybe taking on a new hobby.

Fire signs are very edgy and restless, and should go on a vacation! In love, quiet time is needed. Earth signs are feeling like bulls in a china shop. Take a deep breath and move on. In love, beware of arguments, which can spin out of control. Air signs feel a little suffocated, but the sensation will pass soon. No major decisions should be taken in love. Water signs should concentrate on heightening their intuitive skills. In love, they are learning to be truly unconditional.

Virgo - Elul

Welcome to a delayed month of Leo, as major planets are in still in the previous sign! This is a great opportunity in the lunar Virgo to see all of our flamboyant egos, and fix them! The sun, Mercury and mars are all in fire signs, and the seventh astrological house is the key to this month.

As many difficult planets are aligned in the seventh, the domain of “the other” — our mirror — is right in front of us. Our partners, associates, spouses, and enemies will show us all that is incorrect about our behaviors. A wonderful lesson of Virgo humility…

In addition, the chart’s rising is in vulnerable Cancer, and there is nowhere to hide. No worries, this month will prepare us for the new year to come, and we will feel braver than ever. Neptune in the ninth house opens up a wonderful spiritual window, and many things we never understood about ourselves will come to light. The next month of lunar Libra and Rosh Hashanah will see us as light warriors if we do our job this month.

Fire signs shouldn’t worry about losing face or faith! Keep on going; you will soon get stronger. In love, let things settle. It’s for the best. Earth signs should let go of apparent security and move forward with faith. In love, don’t force things; allow situations to evolve organically. Air signs should concentrate on their families for once. It’s a wonderful emotional investment. And love is no different, the more you invest the more you can retrieve! Water signs are not very at ease, but Venus is helping them to thrive this month. It’s a great time to declare your love!

Wishing you a Light-filled New Year!

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