Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2015
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Capricorn 2015

Yael Yardeni
Dicembre 13, 2015
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Hi Everyone! A new month starts this week! The new moon of Capricorn fell on Shabbat! It’s unbelievable how Sagittarius passes us by so quickly!

Let's find out what atmosphere we will be entering…

This month’s chart is a little like an ice palace. It’s cooold! Saturn sets the tone by being the star planet and ruler of Capricorn. Saturn is very close to the sun right now, so it feels as if the cosmic temperature is dropping! What happened to Sagittarius is a mystery. It’s as if we didn’t feel it! Capricorn energy is starting and will feel a bit like the North Pole! All month we need to remember to be warm with everyone and everything around us with good words and a big dose of humor!

Let’s share some fun facts about our Capricorn friends. No offense, guys! It’s all about correcting ourselves!

First, they are possibly the grumpiest sign of the whole zodiac. One of first things we notice about them is that it feels chilly around them. This is not the warmest sign we’ve ever met! They appear very serious and focused, and are carriers of the Saturn energy (Saturn is the IRS of the zodiac), which is surrounded by rings of ice. That’s why Capricorn energy feels a bit below the regular temperature. Truly, the apparent coldness is just a refuge for their lack of self-confidence. Bottom line: don’t mess with a Capricorn!

Like a tax collector, Capricorn will remember all the bad things that happened in their lives and surroundings. However, they are gifted with many qualities: their great seriousness and sense of responsibility are legendary.

A Capricorn works very hard and very slowly until their ambitions are reached. They will preplan their retirement at the age of 20! Another great thing about them is we can leave them with a list of things to do and it will all be done quite thoroughly. Care should be taken so they don’t turn into workaholics.

Often, the Capricorns of a family are the first born and consequently, took on a lot of family responsibility at a very young age. Many Capricorns actually remember difficult childhoods. This comes from the fact that they are indeed very old souls, and during their childhood years they simply looked at their parents and families and asked themselves, “What’s wrong with these people? They are so childish! They don’t understand anything!”

Their tikun is similar to that of Scorpio; they are very sensitive to lack. Oftentimes the feeling that something is missing from their lives can be overwhelming and they speculate that others have something they don’t.

And truth be told, the cosmos can sometimes reinforce their fears: they are the last ones to be served in a restaurant, or cannot find the item they’re looking for in a shop. All kinds of funny incidents happen to Capricorns because of their fears of "not having."

A non-spiritual Capricorn can suffer many losses in their lifetime because they often choose to trust their purses instead of the Light! (For example: Richard Nixon.) Their karma is to let go of materialism, since material belongings represent safety and security for them. When a Capricorn embraces spirituality, they are able to become tremendously unmaterialistic and elevated.

Surprisingly romantic, Capricorns are the water of the earth signs. They are, in fact, a lot more sensitive than they appear. Their potential for intuition is quite amazing.

Saturn rules bones, joints (especially knees), and teeth. Therefore Capricorn will have weaknesses in these points of their bodies. They should always take care to eat right and include products of the land, such as grains and veggies, in their diets.

They excel in professions such as accounting, government officials, animal care and agriculture (some Capricorns prefer plants and animals to human beings!).

Here are their main tikun points (and ours for this whole month!):

  • Open up to others
  • Trust the cosmos
  • No more manipulations!
  • Justice belongs to the Light, not to you
  • Let go of the past; it's gone!
  • Let yourself be emotional and funny
  • Learn what real love is

Have a great month, everyone!

Chodesh tov!


