Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2019
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Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2019

Yael Yardeni
Maggio 5, 2019
Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

Happy New Moon of Taurus! And welcome to a new and eventful month: Iyar!

This month, the cosmos is maxed out with eight earth planets, and it seems the universe is preparing us for the heavy Omer period. Most of the planets are, indeed, located in the 8th astrological house — the Scorpio domain of deep transformation and new life cycles.

"Happy New Moon of Taurus!"

The energy of this month is the opposite of what one might expect. Scorpio is the opposite of Taurus, and Venus (this month’s ruler) is in fiery Aries, the sign of its fall. We definitely need to be more proactive about all forms of love this month. However, avoid impulsive acts in love; instead, look for continuity and persistence. Since Taurus is a fixed sign, prepare yourselves for things to slow down; delays will be experienced during this entire month. In effect, nothing we thought would happen will!

Let’s look at the Sefer Yetzirah, the first book written about kabbalistic astrology, and gain a better understanding of the lord and ruler of this month: planet Venus.

“… and He made the letter kaf king over life, and He bound a crown to it and He combined one with another, and with them He formed Venus in the universe, Wednesday in the year, and the left eye in the soul, male and female.” (Sefer Yetzirah)

Venus is considered to be the ruler of life. When we look closer, we find that life is synonymous with both Creation and maintenance of our being. The Creation of another human is made through love (Venus), and we maintain life by meeting our basic needs for food, shelter, and parnassa (sustenance, as well as healing) — all ruled by Venus! Overall, our mission for this month is to become real Venusian peacemakers.

Let’s give a little roast to our lovely Taureans, as accustomed!

"Their universe is all about love..."

The external energy of Taurus is earth, while its internal sign is fire. Together we have a volcano! Peaceful during the day, they are much more active at night when their ruler, Venus, shines! Fond of systems, they appreciate the routine of life. In fact, it is very inadvisable to use the word “change” when communicating with a Taurean! The optimal vocabulary should be: upgrade, transformation, improvements, etc. Just don’t use the “c” word!

Mostly kind and patient under all circumstances, if they reach their critical mass, all hell breaks loose, like a volcano! The anger of Taurus is legendary. Taureans who affected the course of history are of the best and the worst: artists like Shakespeare and Bono, composers no examples?, doctors like Freud and Spock, the inventor of the Morse code, Oskar Schindler, and of course, Karl Marx!

Their universe is all about love, but love is complicated. Therefore, they are notorious for staying in denial, even if abused. They will say things like, “I know my partner loves me (even if they have strange ways of showing this!)” The real secret of this sign is the Light of healing. Many successful doctors are born under this sign.

Since lunar Taurus is a time of harsh judgment (The Counting of the Omer), it’s no surprise a bunch of selfish villains and dictators, whose leadership brought their countries back to the Stone Age, were also born under this sign: Saddam Hussein, Hitler, and Lenin.

Thank God Taurus is usually synonymous with Venusian peace, tranquility, love, and all the good things in life we should connect to this month.

Wishing you all Chodesh Tov!
