Astrology Forecast for January 31 - February 6, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for January 31 - February 6, 2021

Miriam Ashkenazi
Gennaio 31, 2021
Mi piace 23 Commenti 9 Condividi

Oh, what a week! This is one of those weeks where we want to hold on tightly to the kabbalistic spiritual meanings, secrets, and gifts of the weekly portion.

The week starts with the sun in Aquarius forming a challenging aspect with Mars in Taurus. Both signs are considered to be fixed signs. Fixed signs are known to be very strong, opinionated, and stubborn. As the name suggests, “fixed signs” are those who are less flexible and adjustable.

For the entirety of this week, we will experience more of this challenging aspect between all the planets that reside in those fixed signs.

The moon will reside in Scorpio for a few days (2/3-2/5), and every day forms a challenging aspect with some of the five of the planets that are right now in Aquarius (Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury). This challenging aspect pushes us into thinking that we are right and that everyone else is wrong! This strong conflict of energy is so powerful, it can lead us to be stubborn and fixed in our head, which prevents us from listening to the other side. When Venus squares Uranus at the end of the week, we should pay extra attention to our interactions in group settings. Avoid the drama and arguments that might be tempting to pursue!

Last year, Karen Berg shared one of the most powerful secrets of this weekly portion of Yitro. Her message is aligned with the energy we all want to awaken in order to receive support with all those challenging aspects this week. She said, “Every day the universe sends beautiful messages our way – from people, from angels, even from the Creator Himself.The ability to listen to them is more a matter of spirit than of anatomy. To listen is a wonderful capacity that can bring so many blessings into our lives and Light to the world. This week’s portion Yitro, which reveals the Ten Commandments, provides us with lessons about listening, as well as the energy to help us hear and heed.”

This week, we should meditate every morning with the intention of being good listeners. As Karen Berg mentioned, not just with our ears, but also with our heart and soul. If we set our intention to listen at the beginning of each day, we will have the tools needed to overcome all those potentially challenging cosmic influences.

Have a great and transformative week!

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