Astrology Forecast for June 26-July 2, 2022
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Astrology Forecast for June 26-July 2, 2022

Amir Michael Rehan
Giugno 26, 2022
Mi piace 32 Commenti 7 Condividi

This week marks the beginning of the kabbalistic month of Cancer. The New Moon occurs with a very interesting aspect: both the sun and the moon meet each other in the constellation of Cancer. This happens in the celestial region called the Black Moon.

The Black Moon is known to be a mathematical point in the sky that shows the klipot(a Hebrew word for "shells"). Like the shell of a fruit, the klipot hides the Light. The Black Moon in Cancer concerns the negative Cancerian traits of feeling hopeless. As we know, the moon (the ruler of Cancer) gives off no Light of its own. Despite the positive side to it, which is humility, it also can bring the illusion of emotional dependency on other people.

The good news is that the presence of the energy of Rosh Chodesh (the New Moon), along with the powerful unification of sun and moon in that region of the Black Moon, can remove the shells of this aspect.

The portion of this week is called Chukat. There is an interesting aspect of the story in this chapter that says that when a person comes in contact with the energy of death (by touching a corpse), they can become impure. But this is a partly hidden code. Kabbalists say that the energy of death refers to the feeling that there is absolutely nothing that can be done. When we look at ourselves or our life situations with the eyes of complete hopelessness, we connect to "death."

When we look at anything with the Light of the Creator, we connect to life, which is precisely what we want to achieve this week! This is a time to connect to a very deep healing energy for our self-esteem. We can connect to the energy of life!

New Moon Parents Guide: Cancer 2022

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