Astrology Forecast for November 15-21, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for November 15-21, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Novembre 15, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This is an incredible week! The weekly portion of Toldot provides us with great power to connect to the energy of miracles. At the same time, we are celebrating the new moon of Sagittarius this week, which is also known to be the month of miracles. There is a tremendous connection between this week’s cosmic influence and the kabbalistic message of this time.

Before we dig into the cosmic shifts and aspects, let’s connect to one of Karen Berg’s messages about the idea of miracles. She says, "A miracle is a condition where nature behaves outside the laws of nature… If we want something truly miraculous to happen for us, we must do something miraculous that we have never done before."

This week is a perfect opportunity to activate the energy of miracles in our life. There are layers of obvious cosmic gifts that are intertwined with potential challenges and setbacks. Our work this week is to strive to go above our nature—to go above the obvious or what seems to be an obstacle and reveal hidden miraculous energy.

First off, the planet Mars, which is in Aries these days, just turned direct last week. With its full force and influence, it reminds us that it’s time to take action, to be brave, and to connect to our deepest desires and act without fear.

The first intertwined energy is in the New Moon of Sagittarius on November 17th. While we get a great boost from the universe to plant positive seeds for the entire month, there is an opposition between Mercury and Uranus that can raise our level of nervousness and can affect our communication with others.

This week, the planet Venus is very active and forms a challenging aspect with Jupiter and then with Saturn. Those harsh aspects emphasize the illusion that things might seem impossible. Certain events that appeared to go in the right direction might seem to be taking a different route, which in our limited perception may seem less promising. Pay attention and be tuned in—what seems to be “bad news” can really become the greatest miracle if we stick to the spiritual concept of acting and behaving against our natural notion, against our own nature. (When Venus enters the sign of Scorpio on November 21st, we might be able to see even further past issues, like love and finances mainly, that show up on the surface.)

The week ends on a positive note when the sun enters into the sign of Sagittarius—a reminder of a more optimistic and hopeful approach to life, which can help all of us step out of any gloomy state of mind and start focusing on expansion beyond limits and spiritual growth.
