Astrology Forecast for November 22-28, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for November 22-28, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Novembre 22, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week awakens three major spiritual opportunities for all of us. The first opportunity occurs on November 23rd when the planet Mercury and the planet Neptune form a positive aspect. This aspect has the potential to be very uplifting and spark spiritual awakening. Neptune awakens a powerful, yet gentle energy that can open up a channel to a more elevated spiritual dimension. Meditation, engaging in creative activities, and connecting to your imagination can be powerful tools to choose from at the beginning of the week. This is definitely a good time to listen to your inner voice and proactively awaken gratitude to all the blessings you currently have in your life.

On November 27th, we’ll get the second spiritual opportunity, which is trusting the Light and staying open to any changes or unexpected energy that comes our way. Though Venus opposes Uranus for that one day, throughout the entire year our trust and certainty in the bigger picture can be tested, especially in our relationships and financial worlds.

On November 28th, the last day of this week, the planet Neptune wakes up and starts to move in direct motion again after a long period of five months in retrograde. This means that the energy expression of Neptune comes back to life again and will potentially affect all of us moving forward. The world of illusion can be very strong and deceiving in this upcoming year, and this week we can gain complete control over it.

As this weekly portion’s spiritual message directs us to “go out” (Vayetze), or go beyond any limitations or constraints of the mind, we are reminded to constantly apply a reality check moving forward and constantly evaluate where and how the Light is part of any upcoming challenge.

Maintain certainty and strength and aim to become a greater channel of Light for others this week!
