Astrology Forecast for November 28 - December 4, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for November 28 - December 4, 2021

Ruth Nahmias
Novembre 28, 2021
Mi piace 23 Commenti 9 Condividi

A unique kind of Light and a tremendous amount of blessings are about to enter our lives this week. We begin the holiday known as “Chanukah”—the Festival of Light. Chanukah is a cosmic opening and opportunity to bring the energy of miracles into our lives. However, the energy revealed by the planets, astrologically speaking, is relatively calm and stable. Don’t be fooled; the intensity will increase slowly at first, then rapidly.

Just behind us is the first eclipse of the season (November 19th-20th), which combined with the full moon, also known as the “frost moon,” to harmonize with Pluto and square Jupiter. It was the first in a set of eclipses that occurred along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. (The last eclipse in this sign set will happen in October 2023.) This sign set will stir the need to balance our lives between receiving and sharing, lies and truth, false and real, or simple and complicated. Deep emotions and feelings will be at their height.

There is one big shift we can be sure of, and that is a move towards freedom—freedom from extreme emotions and being prisoner of our doubts. (There are Pluto aspects in the chart.) As Miketz, the portion of this week, teaches, Joseph was “delayed” in prison for two more years because he had doubts. If Joseph had accepted his long imprisonment with the certainty that the Creator would release him when the time was right, he could have avoided two additional years in prison. If he had been patient for just a few more days, he would have been released. But he understood that his discomfort was all part of a process of cleansing. In doing this, he defeated his negativity. This doesn’t mean that he was happy about what he was going through. However, he understood the process.

This process teaches us that we create our own freedom. From Joseph, we learn about temptation and the danger of doubt. This week’s energy is all about our actions and consciousness. As we act, we are acted upon—cause and effect. If we want to tap into the energy of miracles revealed in the universe, we need to go out of our comfort zones, not just physically but also in our consciousness. The planets will help us to do so this week.

Saturn forms a sextile with Chiron, and this is the final of three aspects that occurred in February and June. It’s a time for feeling competent, effective, and secure. This transit helps us express our unique qualities, all through acting with respect to the other. There’s no need for show-boating; it helps to humble us. And with increased certainty, we can pursue our goals with a better chance of success.

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