Astrology Forecast for November 29 - December 5, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for November 29 - December 5, 2020

Ruth Nahmias
Novembre 29, 2020
Mi piace 2 Commenti Condividi

As of this week, we are entering the Sagittarius season. The Scorpio season brought us a dark, secret, and mysterious energy. Yet, Sagittarius is a fire sign that gives us hope and faith for a better future.

In order to understand this shift, we must first go down into Scorpio’s underworld, into the mud, to uncover those hidden sparks of Light we didn’t know existed. As a result of this process, we unveil a lot of obstacles, giving us clarity from within. This clarity is nothing but the inner Light that is revealed to us when we go deep within ourselves. On November 28th, Neptune turns direct at 18° in Pisces. All the Light that is revealed this month is the inner Light of hope, truth, and knowledge that the month of Sagittarius offers us.

The end of November marks the official beginning of eclipse season. Just when we thought we were done with retrogrades, a T-square and other intense aspects of the stars have other plans. On November 30th, we will experience a lunar eclipse at 8° in Gemini. Eclipses coincide with big things happening. Lunar eclipses usually only happen twice a year. With Neptune going direct in Pisces and the lunar eclipse in Gemini, your individual path re-aligns with the universal path, making the things you need to change obvious. This is a powerful time to reconnect with your higher purpose.
