Astrology Forecast for November 8-14, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for November 8-14, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Novembre 8, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week we can find a powerful connection between the weekly portion of Chayei Sarah (the chapter of the Torah that gives us the kabbalistic meaning and gifts of the week) and the current cosmic openings for all of us. One of the strongest messages of this week’s portion is the idea that everything that belongs to us will be revealed to us. Of course, we usually don’t know the timing and the exact form of revelation, but if we keep our minds open and we have certainty in the Lightforce of God, all the blessings that are meant to come our way will land at our feet with perfect timing.

This week is a ray of Light in a relatively challenging period of time. First of all, on November 12th, we experience a cosmic opportunity that usually only comes around every 13 years! The planets Jupiter and Pluto are in conjunction! (In the past year, we experienced this three times! And November 12th will be the last time for this magical cosmic aspect to take place this year.) Both Jupiter and Pluto together (in a good aspect) present the greatest opportunity, combined with the powerful gift of truth and deep meaning. This conjunction offers us the chance to achieve things on a grand scale. It inspires us to be positive and see our reality in a more hopeful way while not giving in to any negative influences in our lives. This conjunction happens when both planets are in the sign of Capricorn, which offers us hope against all odds in the face of challenging life circumstances. It also helps us manifest desires that we’ve had for a long time.

This amazing energy leads us to the next powerful cosmic influence this week, which is the shift of the planet Mars. Mars was in retrograde for a few months, and on November 13th, it moves direct again! Mars, the warrior, the fire, lights up again and encourages us to make things happen and move things forward. (This is really good news for those who have strong Aries in their chart—sun, moon, ascendance, midheaven). The forward movement of Mars signifies a time when blessings are more easily revealed in our lives. In addition, we’ll have more energy, courage, and power to take action!

This week is potentially a time of revelation—a revelation of internal strength, internal gifts, and internal spiritual powers to endure and manifest everything we’ve been hoping for a long time. It is now up to us to tap into those cosmic gifts so we can utilize them, make them work for us, and move forward!
