Astrology Forecast for October 11-17, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for October 11-17, 2020

Kabbalah Centre
Ottobre 11, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

There are so many things happening in the sky this week, which brings the wind of change.

With everything that is happening, there are two major things to take note of.

First, Mercury goes stationary Retrograde at 11 degrees in Scorpio on October 13th. This will last until November 4th at 25 degrees in Libra. This will be a time of deep processing and introspection. It’s a time to recall the past year. How would you summarize? How deep do you want to go in the coming 12 months? Are you serious about transforming into the person you ultimately want to be? And what are you willing to give in order to have a good, happy, and fulfilled life? This may be the time to trade a small desire with a great one and be brave enough to take new steps toward a new life.

The second important occurrence is the New Moon of Cheshvan, which is the sign of Scorpio. But the sun and the moon are in Libra at 23 degrees, 53 minutes square with Saturn and Pluto, and opposite of Mars, which creates a cardinal T-Square.

This week, we study the portion of Beresheet, which represents a new beginning, a new cycle starting with Scorpio, the phoenix. The cardinal T-square will give us a push forward. We need to focus on what is important. For many months now, the universe has been asking us to take charge of our lives. And this week will present ways for us to do so.

We only need to decide what is important for us and be brave enough to stand up for ourselves. We may be challenged by others who tell us what is supposed to be important to us. This is not what really matters. This is the time when we can stand our ground with confidence, so we can receive what is meant for us.

Aim to find a balance between your own truth and understanding another’s position. Seeing where the other person is coming from and understanding their needs is important. And anything we can do to help is wonderful, but not at the expense of our own values. As you seek to find a balance between yourself and others, try to create a space in your life where you care for and nurture others, yet don’t lose your own sense of direction.

With Mars in retrograde, people tend to be defensive and operate from insecurity. Try to have empathy, and don’t be so quick to react. With a little more patience, things will move forward. Finding our true place in the world is all about knowing ourselves and what is important to us.

Happy new year, new month, and new beginning!
