Astrology Forecast for October 24-30, 2021
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Astrology Forecast for October 24-30, 2021

Miriam Ashkenazi
Ottobre 24, 2021
Mi piace 28 Commenti 6 Condividi

“To know the Creator is to be in affinity with the Creator’s ways – to be all encompassing, to be constantly in a frame of mind that considers the welfare of others. Sarah understood that every day we have the ability to alter the energy that exists in that day for the positive by taking ourselves from the consciousness of ‘me’ to a consciousness of ‘we.’”– Karen Berg on the portion of Chayei Sarah.

This week, as every other week, the cosmic settings and the kabbalistic and spiritual secret of the week work in unison beautifully. We start with a very active planet Venus, the planet of love and relationships. The way that Venus acts will direct our attention to the way we express love or interact with others. Venus has a conflicting aspect (with Neptune in Pisces) and a supporting one (with Jupiter in Aquarius), both at the same time. This tells us that in the first part of the week, it will be easier to awaken universal love than invest in our interpersonal relationships.

As Karen’s message above teaches us, we can see that our focus this week should be more on the “we” and less on the “me.” Practically speaking, take the time to meditate for world peace and healing for others. Connect to the divine, and share love and the ultimate positive ideas for change and growth with a group of friends or within your community. A group effort to raise the consciousness of love and connection can be very powerful during the first part of this week.

As the week comes to a close, the sun in Scorpio creates a challenging aspect with Saturn. In addition, the planet Mars (the planet of war and conflict) enters into Scorpio. This strong cosmic connection warns us against being too harsh, too stiff in our opinions, or negative in our point of view. It’s a time to strive for balance and make sure to constantly check that you don’t start tilting into a more pessimistic approach. Stay positive and optimistic!

May you be full of love, harmony, and positivity.

Commenti 6