Astrology Forecast for October 25-31, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for October 25-31, 2020

Rachel Itic
Ottobre 25, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week, we will experience a first-quarter moon, as it begins to wax through its 28-day cycle. In this phase that lasts from October 23rd until the 30th, we can be challenged, face conflicts, and have times of crisis. At the same time, this phase gives us the independence to grow and the willpower to be able to solve conflicts, make decisions, and take action. No one says this moon phase is easy. It’s definitely a period that puts us under pressure and pushes us to grow. It provides us with the necessary motivation to make anything successful if we take a chance and use the energy that this moon gifts us.

This moon phase, mixed with the portion of Lech Lecha, grants us the push to search inside ourselves to discover what truly motivates and moves us to make decisions or take risks. Like Abraham, when he left his parents’ home to follow the Creator's voice and his soul’s calling, this is a time to enter an unknown land and have the courage to follow a mission by getting out of our comfort zones.

From October 31st until November 8th, we have a full moon in Taurus. When the moon is full, it shows us a face full of light, completely reflecting the sun's shining rays. The sun and the moon are in total harmony and balance one another. It's a period of revelation, culmination, consolidation, success, and realization. All the light we receive these days awards us splendor and visibility, so we are noticed. That’s why it is a moon that fosters social interaction and any activities related to the public. It is the best period of the month to show up, host an event or a party, hold a business inauguration, launch an ad campaign, or to be active on social media. Kabbalistically speaking, we know that in the exact moment of the full moon, the righteous souls (tzadikim) join us and provide us with their support.

The sun in Scorpio reflects all her light toward the moon in Taurus. This opens the doors to balance the spiritual and material world, as well as harmonize our emotions so we can be objective and practical. We will also be challenged to work on possessiveness—both Scorpio and Taurus are possessive and controlling for this reason. This week, pay attention to when you behave reactively in a possessive way and try to let go in a proactive manner, injecting certainty with the Creator's Light. When the moon is in Taurus, we can be inflexible, stubborn, and obstinate, and the decisions that are made under this moon are hard to change.

Remember that Mercury is still in retrograde and moves out of it on November 3rd. Take advantage of these last days to resume or repeat something from the past, and reflect and rectify your communication and thoughts. Bear in mind that Mercury retrograde affects communication, travel, transport, and commerce. Disagreements, confusion, misunderstandings, delays, and bad interpretations can often occur. Practice tolerance and patience. Mercury is in Scorpio, and on the 29th in its retrograde movement, it reaches Libra, which adds air and planetary energy, creating more balance and harmony.

On October 28th, Venus, the planet in charge of love and affection changes from Virgo to Libra. In Virgo, Venus expresses in a very docile, disinterested, meticulous, and shy way. In Libra, Venus brings great benefits since it is the planet in charge of Libra. In astrological terms, Venus is in “its ruling”, and that strengthens the energy of this planet, providing it with more power and with much more presence and influence. Venus in Libra makes us feel love and affection in a romantic, enchanting, seductive, beautiful, and conciliatory way. We may worry about others and constantly search for balance. Our affective relationships greatly benefit under this influence.

In regard to the general climate of the planets, the ones that are in earth signs are still having more weight in the chart, so they assist us in being practical, objective, and more committed. When Mercury and Venus change to Libra, we will feel more balanced and lighter, therefore, this change will be helpful. Regarding the fire element, we only have one planet, so we will have to inject passion, desire, and enthusiastic energy during this period.
