Astrology Forecast for September 6-12, 2020
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Astrology Forecast for September 6-12, 2020

Ruth Nahmias
Settembre 6, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

This week holds the last Shabbat of the year; therefore, it contains all of the Light of the previous 50 Shabbats of the past year! What a tremendous Light! This is an amazing opportunity to tap into a higher spiritual level.

Change is around the corner this week. But before change can happen, the old needs to be cleaned out. We need to eliminate what’s no longer working for us from our lives.

Pluto and Saturn are still around in the sign of Capricorn (Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008).  Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node are some of the most “demanding” planets out there.  Pluto wants to build something “new,” but before that, it wants the “old” to be destroyed.  Saturn pushes us to “let go” of the past, while the South Node offers us a touch of “what goes around comes around” karma energy.

In these circumstances, and with the culmination of this tremendous energy this week, the only way is UP. Let us first get rid of what’s old and can no longer sustain growth, even if that means calling out negativity and canceling habits and patterns we once clung to.  Seek out help from your community and speak your own truth. After all, we have all the Light revealed throughout the year available to us this week.

