Be Your Own Best Friend
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Be Your Own Best Friend

Kabbalah Centre
Agosto 17, 2020
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Virgo is the Central Column of the earth signs. Those born under this sign desire to be of service, to be useful, and to help. Appreciating their hard work and effort will gain you a friend for life. The energy of Virgo can help us see things more clearly and find new solutions to situations that once looked too big to handle. This is a great month to share.

As much as Virgos like to help others, they are very poor at helping themselves. And they are excellent at judging themselves, which makes them more likely to judge others. Reflecting on how we can improve for ten minutes a day can be beneficial because if we don’t recognize where we need to do better, we will never be better. But for the rest of the day, we need to look at the good in ourselves, knowing that we are doing the best we can. This is all we can do—our best. The rest is in the hand of the Creator.

Since Virgos like to work with common sense, know this: judging ourselves and others will not bring anyone closer to perfection; on the contrary—it will take you further away from it. According to Kabbalah, the month of Virgo is the month of forgiveness. Virgos are good with words. Use the power of the voice and try to write. You don’t need to be a writer to start keeping a journal or to write a letter of forgiveness to yourself for all the things you think you did wrong in the past. Perhaps, write a forgiveness letter to others who have hurt you. Forgiveness can bring you great freedom.

The sun and moon are in Leo, conjunct with Saturn. Because of this, now is a great time to take the lead in your life by doing what you need to do. Persevere and do not procrastinate. Take responsibility and let no one else run your life. Work with spiritual restriction to prevent physical restriction. Work with boundaries.

Venus is in Cancer, in sextile to Uranus in Taurus at ten degrees. Venus and Taurus both deal with emotional and physical security, which can help us to become free from any insecurities that we feel.

The power of the planets will encourage us, but we need to follow along. We can sometimes feel compelled to change, yet we just don’t feel like it. Take a look at old excuses and reasons why we haven’t progressed. This month, when you feel you have extra power, even for a moment, take it! Ride on that wave, and don’t procrastinate! Security—emotional and physical—can be within reach. Don’t give up on yourself.

The sun is in Leo, enhancing connection to the Light and our power, talents, and gifts. At the same time, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—all non-personal planets—are in retrograde.

Use this time to find your talent. You are your best friend; usually, we are our own worst enemy. Allow yourself to be, to create, to bloom. While we are all looking for best friends out there, we need to learn how to be our own best friend—the one who wants the best for us, who believes we can do it, and who encourages us. Avoid being your own worst enemy, the one that fills us with fears and thoughts that we are not good enough or don’t deserve great blessings. During the month of Virgo, we can see a return to our original selves, who are one with the Light, and who was put here on this earth to be the best we can be.

This Month:

  • Forgive.
  • Be responsible and establish boundaries.
  • Be your own best friend.
  • Follow the wave of strength.
  • Find your power.
  • Find your gifts.
  • Do not procrastinate.

Have a wonderful month!

