Daily Astrology Forecast for January 12-18, 2020
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Daily Astrology Forecast for January 12-18, 2020

Miriam Ashkenazi
Gennaio 12, 2020
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

January 12

Karmic Opportunity

What happens when you put two cosmic giants, Saturn and Pluto, together in the sign of Capricorn? The force of Saturn entails the concepts of protecting and governing, while the force of Pluto brings destruction and rebuilding. These two forces merge only about every 34 years! When this combination finds itself in the sign of Capricorn, the stakes raise even higher. Today, we should prepare ourselves for any changes or challenges. Make sure you keep your head held high, you stay strong, and you maintain as spiritual as possible. This rare meeting between Saturn and Pluto can also lead to the misuse of power and corruption. We should be diligent and careful not to fall into any negative behavior that can inhibit our spiritual growth. Saturn and Pluto are considered to be karmic planets, therefore, this celestial meeting can be deeply meaningful for us individually and collectively for humanity. On a global level, pay attention if there are any significant changes today or in the upcoming days, to the stock market, world of banking, the government, and or any major businesses. Saturn and Pluto are major forces of dealing out karma. Our entire lives are based on our karma and the forever turning wheel of our soul. Things that we cannot seem to make sense of make sense through the eyes of karma. Kabbalah teaches that the best way to navigate in this world is to not react to any injustice. No one can harm you. We only need to ask what it is we did in our previous life that created what we see before us today. There is never an injustice, only a balancing and paying of spiritual debt. It is through the eyes of karma we can let go of pain, frustration, and victimization and embrace acceptance and trust in the process that our soul must undertake.

January 13

Highlighting the Challenge

Today, the Sun is in conjunction to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Both Saturn and Capricorn this month play significant roles in creating pressure to change and overcome darkness. Today, the Sun shines light on the issue, the challenge, and the choices we need to make in our life. The Sun brings more spiritual Light into our reality, creating clarity and direction. However, when this Light shines, we may be amazed by what we will see. Today, stay tuned into how you feel about your challenges. There is a chance for older issues to resurface, causing us to realize that we did not really move on and learn our lesson. With the Sun’s power of illumination, we gain greater vision that can support us to finally cleansing the past, and enter our next level of spiritual development. This spiritual Light will help us to finally overcome old issues and change negative behavior patterns that we thought did not exist anymore. If you had been considering seeking professional help in uncovering and healing old issues, today will be an ideal day to begin any type of therapy or spiritual work. As Socrates taught, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Do not be afraid to face the past and what we need to change, for on the other side you will find happiness, peace, and the fulfillment you came to this world to experience.  

January 14

Focus on Just One Thing

Today, we have a perfect harmony between the Sun and the Moon, both being in earth signs. We garner the ability to focus, laser sharp. Flow with today’s cosmic support by investing your time and energy into one project. Choose one important life matter or one goal and push it through to its next level. Earth energy can often be very demanding, particular, serious, and heavy, but because the cosmic alignment of today is a positive one, we can take advantage of the earth element to move us quickly forward. We can direct this power towards a single goal, and like a laser beam, effect real change and authentic achievement. Focus, act, and shoot to the stars! 

January 15

A Beacon of Light for Others

There are a few cosmic movements today that help us open our eyes and heart to others. The Moon forms a nice aspect to Mercury, while the Sun and Venus develop well with Uranus. Being open to another person is not always easy. Sharing and putting other people’s needs before our own, without any agenda, does not come naturally. We might find sharing easier with some people, while others we find opening our hearts to be simply too difficult. Thankfully, today, we receive a special gift! We can potentially rise up to a level of consciousness where true care for people exists. The cosmos is helping us to open the doors of our hearts, if ever so slightly, to let someone inside. As our hearts open, we can feel the needs of our fellow humankind and that spark of the Creator within us can ignite. Our inner core, who we truly are at our essence, can be activated and our God gene to share and love can be revealed. As our teacher Karen Berg wrote in Simple Light, “We need to be beacons of Light even when there is no one around to give us brownie points for it. That is the consciousness we must bring into each day. We don’t share Light, hoping for something in return, we give it unconditionally.” 

January 16

Brilliant or Bizarre

With Mercury moving into the sign of Aquarius for the upcoming three weeks, our thoughts and communication can be on the verge of either bizarre or brilliant. Since Mercury is a fast-moving planet and Aquarius is a sign that thinks out of the box, sometimes to the level of genius, we have an opportunity to be a channel for ingenious forward-thinking ideas that will wake people up to approaches and concepts ahead of their time. However, this fast-paced thinking and communicating can also cause us to be abrupt, tactless, and hurtful to others. We want to be cautious of what we say and how we teach and express our ideas. People are more important than our brilliant concepts and inventions. Advanced ideas and philosophies are only the means with which we can create more unity and love between each other. If our advancing in any way causes pain to others, then it is not an act of moving forward at all, but an act of falling back. 

January 17

You Are a Part of a Master Plan

With today’s challenging aspect of the Moon to Saturn and Pluto, there is a risk of falling into sadness and loneliness. Capricorn has a multitude of positive qualities and gifts that help us to progress and manifest many blessings, however, it brings the risk of separating ourselves from people and choosing to be on our own. Here is a powerful message by Rav Berg from his book, Kabbalistic Astrology, that can help us today and throughout the entire month: “To gain control, we must relinquish control. Therein is the ultimate paradox of this month. Be extra conscious that you do not act alone. Be more aware that you are part of a master plan that includes the rest of the people in this universe. Resist those seductive thoughts telling you that you are the center of the universe, the master of your domain. Realize that you are part of a larger picture. This enlightened consciousness will prevent your impure actions from hurting others and allow your positive actions to increase the radiance of Light in this world.” 

January 18 - Shabbat Shemot

There Are No Mistakes, Just Lessons to Be Learned

Today’s energy might derail us from the track of practicality and logic that this month takes us. With Mercury and Uranus in a challenging aspect, it can awaken in us restlessness and mistrust. This can lead us to misjudge our environment, reality, or the direction we are heading in life. If we are not cautious with today’s challenging aspect, we could see some plans or projects possibly fail. Spiritually, we understand that there is no such thing as failure, only great lessons and awakenings to experience. Today, be aware of this restlessness and doubt, and if you do experience any type of “failure,” remember that there are no mistakes, just lessons to be learned. As one wise parent once said to her child, “If I could take away all of your problems, I wouldn’t.” It is in our most difficult of times do we discover our power, our potential, and the Light of the Creator within us. 
