Daily Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for December 22-28, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Dicembre 22, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

December 22 – First Candle of Chanukah at Night

Come on Get Happy

With today’s challenging aspect of Venus to Uranus, we probably will value and appreciate our “alone time.” Today’s cosmic energy is raising the need for freedom and detachment. Instead of working against this energy, let us learn how to use it for our benefit. Today will be perfect to engage in things that give you a taste of freedom. So, indulge a bit. Do things that make you happy. Do not be afraid to run off alone and pamper yourself. Tonight is the beginning of a beautiful period of time called, Chanukah. Chanukah is known as the holiday of lights and miracles. In order to allow miracles to enter our lives, we must learn to elevate our vibration with happiness. Happiness lightens our spirits and is the fertile ground for miracles. Chanukah is a time of year where joy, gratitude, and unity are being awakened which all help to draw down the Light of miracles into our lives. Rav Berg once said, “Joy and chaos cannot exist simultaneously.” It is through the power of joy and happiness that we elevate our consciousness and world to the realm where miracles occur freely. 

December 23 - Chanukah Day 1

Short-Term or Lasting Fulfillment?

Sometimes we desire only what we can see, feel, and touch. We want what makes us feel good and oftentimes this is only a temporary short-term fulfillment. The planet Mars is all about our desire and motivation in life. Today, Mars is aligned in a beautiful aspect with the planet Pluto. Pluto strives for the deeper truth and spiritual meaning. Today, our desires can be aligned with a deeper purpose and what is truthful and meaningful for us in the long term. We call this in Kabbalah, lasting fulfillment. Today, ask yourself the question, “Am I pursuing what is best for me in the long run?” Be honest with yourself. Do you spend your time only fulfilling your smaller desires of the here and now, while ignoring your bigger dreams and goals? Today, make a list of your pleasures, desires, dreams, and goals, small and large. Examine where you spend your time. What are you mostly spending time pursuing? How will you feel ten years from now? One of the most valuable gifts to possess is long-term vision, to see the end in the beginning. Today, let us begin to make choices not only for today, but for tomorrow as well. Our smaller desires can distract us from why we came to this world, what we need to do to, and from obtaining the inner peace we were born to experience.

December 24 – Chanukah Day 2

Celebrating in Style

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This is the holiday season, a time of celebration all around the world for many faiths and traditions. Since the Sun is forming a nice aspect with Uranus, there is a surge of energy that should inspire us to celebrate a bit differently this year. The planet of Uranus is about doing things differently, and finding unique and original ways. For us, Uranus is calling to connect to this holiday season in a brand-new way! This year, find a new and special activity for you and your loved ones. Be more original and heartfelt with the gifts exchange this year. Spend time with someone you do not see normally during the holiday season. Brainstorm for more creative and unique ideas to make this season an unforgettable and out-of-the-box experience of a lifetime! Life is a gift, let us cherish it and appreciate it by experiencing and acknowledging all of it. 

December 25 – Chanukah Day 3


As we enjoy the Light of this wonderful time of the year and the third day of the holiday of Chanukah, we have even more positive cosmic influences to discuss. Today, there is a solar eclipse. Normally, an eclipse signifies a time when we should not move forward and avoid embracing a possible illusionary reality where the Light is blocked. However, this eclipse is one of the luckiest solar eclipses we have seen in a long time. Since the Sun and the Moon are in alignment, forming a positive aspect to Jupiter and Uranus, we can expect a fortunate stroke of luck and serendipity. Events, relationships, or situations can develop easily with synchronicity and will be accompanied by the gifts of growth, happiness, and clarity. Keep an open mind and maintain a positive consciousness today. Allow all the pieces to just fall into place. Sit back and watch the magic occur.  

December 26 – Chanukah Day 4

Strength and Endurance

With half of the planets, five to be exact, residing in the sign of Capricorn, we will be unable to ignore its strong influence upon us. Since Capricorn energy will be on the map for the upcoming year, it behooves us to learn what are the pros and cons of this strong and powerful sign. Firstly, what are the potential gifts of Capricorn and what can we look forward to experiencing this year? Capricorn offers us strength, endurance, breakthroughs, persistence, and the ability to surmount almost any obstacle. These are the qualities we want to cultivate and awaken. As for the cons, while we reach our goals and climb to the top, we do not want to become cold and indifferent to those around us. We need to watch becoming unemotional and cold with our approach to people. We want to be cognizant of the emotional and personal element of life. We must find the balance between our home life and careers. The downfall to all the strength and endurance of the Capricorn is that they can come off being robotic and devoid of emotions and family life. Is life only about goals, money, power, and success? Not at all. We need love, family, and friends. Our bags of cash can never be a substitute for people and the love we receive from them. Remember the image of Ebenezer Scrooge, lonely and counting his coins. It took his whole life and the appearance of three spirits to show him the way. Let us learn from this story. As we climb our way to the top, let us remember that having love and people in our lives is truly the greatest sign of success.

December 27 – Chanukah Day 5

The Vision Board

We are in the midst of the holiday of lights, known as Chanukah. Positive thinking, enthusiasm, excitement, certainty, and miracles are in the air! This reality is augmented further with the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter, which both happen to be in the sign of Sagittarius. Today is ideal for dreaming and envisioning how you want to see yourself in the upcoming year. Visualize your dream life. What does living fully, rich with experiences, abundance, endless possibilities, and embodying your potential look like? What are you doing each day? Where are you living? Who are you interacting with? Create for yourself a vision board. Cut out from magazines and write. Use expressions, images, and quotes that represent the life you want to live and create this upcoming year. The air is filled with hope, imagination, and the vision for a bright future. When we believe it, then we shall see it. Take advantage of this magnificent energetic support from the cosmos today, so we can plant the seeds of growth and abundance for our future.  

December 28 - Chanukah Day 6 & Shabbat Miketz

Preparation for the New Year

We are gearing towards the new year in the Gregorian calendar, 2020 is almost here. Today, we are receiving a boost of cosmic energy that can help us prepare for the new year ahead. Mercury is moving into the sign of Capricorn. Mercury is the planet that rules how we think and process information. Combining it with Capricorn means we can now easily process, ponder, and understand our goals for the upcoming year. Capricorn brings us the power of growth, goal orientation, and planning. It is a slow and serious earth sign and compliments Mercury well. It has a calming effect on Mercury, helping it to slow down and bring a more methodical and structured way of thinking. Take the time today to plan. Sit down and outline your goals. The moment you write down your goals is the moment you plant the seeds for your future. Let us outline and prepare to create an uplifting, productive, and tremendous year. Here is to the best year, yet!
