Daily Astrology Forecast for April 21-27, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for April 21-27, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Aprile 21, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

April 21

Express Yourself

With the Sun conjunction to Uranus today, there is a desire to express ourselves freely. We each are unique and special in our essence. Today can be a day that you release caring about what people may think of you. Toss out any external judgement. If you feel the burning desire to express yourself, do so! The gates of self-expression are open. With planets in Uranus, we are also being supported to stay grounded and not lose contact with reality. Today we are free to soar, yet are able to stay grounded -- a beautiful cosmic opportunity. Life is a balance of maintaining the energy of the heart and of the mind, of passion and logic. Only when we implement both equally and achieve a balance are we able to have success. 

April 22

Welcoming Change

In what areas of your life do you have complete comfort? What are you certain about? Where do you know for sure that you are heading in the right direction? The Sun and Uranus are adjacent to each other in the sign of Taurus today. Both planets are in a sign that rules our physical reality, our physical comfort, and our security. Uranus is known to be unpredictable, so be on the lookout for changes, shake ups, and surprises that push us out of our comfort zones. Be open to changing your physical attachments in some way. Being open to change is vital in life so we may know our next direction to take. Being open allows for messages and feelings that ultimately help us to see a path that we can commit to. We are able to act with full conviction in a direction we feel is best, a direction that will lead us to the best desired outcome. The secret for spiritual growth is always staying open. Staying open allows us to receive the messages we need from the universe to guide us along our path, encouraging us to change course when necessary. In this way, we can follow our goals, but be open to the path that will lead us there. Oftentimes, our greatest blessings come in packages we would never expect. We are not able to see the entire picture of our lives, but when we have certainty in the Creator, we do not need to. 

April 23

Being Able to See Both Halves of the Cup

With the Sun in the sign of Taurus these days, we are all being encouraged to take a look at all aspects of life: positive, negative, good, bad, Light, and darkness. One of the qualities of this month is the ability see what needs to be changed. Taurus has the ability to only seek out beauty. Taurus helps us find comfort and focus only on what is pleasant and good. This is a beautiful quality and we should always learn to focus on positivity more. However, the reason that Taurus will not choose to look at the negativity or anything unpleasant is simply because it would require an action of change. This change is often a confrontation which can lead to being uncomfortable. This is really what the Taurus avoids. In this month it is natural to seek comfort and only stay focused on what is good. But remember, according to Kabbalah, real spiritual growth, unlimited blessings, and fulfillment can only be manifested when we earn them. The process of earning starts when we overcome challenges and push ourselves to change the aspects that are least pleasant in our lives. Only in the darkness, can we find our Light. 

April 24

Getting Serious

The Moon moves into Capricorn, where it joins Saturn and Pluto. This creates the energy of seriousness in life. Being serious has its benefits and drawbacks. Let us make sure we use this cosmic shift only for our benefit. If there are areas in your life where you have lacked work-ethic, dedication, and concentration, today is the ideal time to focus there. Invest your time in that area, initiate planning and move things forward. At the same time, do not allow this energy to slow you down! Watch from becoming too serious and heavy about life. The moon moving into Capricorn can make things a bit gloomy. It can impel us to feel poorly about ourselves and our lives, and can lead to pessimism. This is the type of energy that we would like to overcome. For the next few days, do not allow it to rule over your life’s choices and outlook. We do not see things as they really are, we only see things as we are. Our consciousness creates our reality. Let us choose positivity and that will become the basis of our lives.  

April 25

Why Do We Struggle?

With Pluto turning retrograde until October 2019, it is a favored time to focus on our internal processes that involve any power struggles that we face. A power struggle can even be someone with whom we experience tension. Like a parent, a relative, or a friend that we clash with and find it impossible to simply get along. In these relationships, we find it hard to admit when we are wrong and we allow our egos to sit in the driver seats. We do not always, though, understand the source and reasons for power struggles. We do not take the time to ask the question, “Why?” When Pluto turns retrograde, the universe is directing us to take a deeper look inside and ask ourselves the harder questions. It encourages us to explore and unfold the truth behind our struggles of power. Oftentimes, we find in life that no matter where we travel, we end up meeting the same kind of people and experiencing the same type of problems. This is because the world on the outside is just a reflection within. In transforming the negativity within, we can eliminate it without.  

April 26


In the month of Aries, it can be challenging at times to control our temper, emotions, and explosive reactions. With today’s movement of the Moon into Aquarius, along with the square to Uranus, this challenge, unfortunately, is going up a notch. Today will require us to exercise self-control. Impatience and impulsiveness can lead to lack of judgment. This can lead to unnecessary interactions and risks. Today, the right approach will be to simply wait. Think twice or even three times before saying or doing anything. Move more slowly, taking everything into consideration before acting or speaking. Make sure that you are never coming from a reactive place. If you feel that you cannot overcome your anger, just wait until the storm passes, and only then respond. When we are angry, we are in a mode of receiving and are not able to see clearly what is best for ourselves. Remove yourself from the situation and take a few breaths. Our best decisions will be made only from a place of calmness and concern for welfare of others.

April 27 - Shabbat Acharei Mot

Overcoming Discouragement

Today presents a challenge with Mars and Neptune. We might feel confused or discouraged moving forward in life. We all have days in which we feel lower energy and lack desire to act. This is normal, for we are all human. We all experience ups and downs. We cannot expect to always be at our best and fully motivated and joyful. But, what do we do when we feel discouraged and have low energy? Kabbalistically, becoming more spiritually elevated as a human being requires us to overcome our challenges. In Kabbalah, we learn that it is not necessary to completely eliminate negative feelings and situations. Instead, we learn the value in being able to handle negativity so that it does not control us. We learn to control the effect they have on us. Today, and any day that we might feel discouraged, we should remind ourselves that whatever we face is just a test and is temporary. Continue forward. Be assured that when the storm does finally pass, you will be left stronger and wiser. Each challenge faced and passed makes you that much more equipped to overcome the challenges of the future. 
