Daily Astrology Forecast for July 14-20, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for July 14-20, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Luglio 14, 2019
Mi piace 1 Commenti Condividi

July 14

Facing Our Deepest Fears

We approach another face off this month! The Sun, in Cancer, is facing Pluto which is in the sign of Capricorn. This month, our spiritual work is brought to the surface, repeatedly. Our karmic debt, or our Tikkun, is showing up in many ways in order to give us the opportunity to learn our lesson in this lifetime, and once and for all, rise above it! The challenging aspect today provides for us an opportunity to overcome jealousy, revenge, and any obsessive-compulsive behavior. All of these negative emotions are a result of our own lack or fear. Today will be ideal to dig deep and get to the truth behind our negative emotions. The secret for true spiritual growth is within spiritual transformation. First, we must see clearly and admit to our negative reactions. Then, we need to make an effort to recognize and understand there is a deeper driving force behind them, such as fears, lack, or a negative belief system. Finally, we need to work to heal those root causes. Today, do not allow yourself to follow through with any negative emotions or perceptions. Take the time to understand the deeper meaning behind them, and what is required from you in order to transform it. Beneath the water’s surface, the majority of the iceberg exists, unobservable to us all at first. 

July 15

Trust & Responsibility

The influence of Capricorn in the month of Cancer allows us to connect to a very powerful combination of ambition, commitment, and trust. Today, we are awakened to take more responsibility and have a higher level of self-discipline. It is the perfect combination of being strong and firm, but also maintaining kindness with others. If we take advantage of this energy today, everyone around us will feel our strength and commitment. We will be the people who generate the energy that people can trust and rely upon. It is a day of balance, and balance always brings blessings. A combination of mercy and discipline is always the secret to success, but mostly it is the secret to true love for others, and ourselves. 

July 16


Today, I would like to share with you what Kabbalist Rav Berg said about the month of Cancer and its influence on us. This is an invaluable reminder for today and for the entire month:

“The physical and spiritual disease of cancer is born in Tammuz (the Hebrew name of this month); hence the name “Cancer”. Cancer can accrue in business, relationships, and the physical body. The Zohar, however, explains that before the disease is created, the antidote and cure originate first. This month is the antidote and proactive healing process. We should direct our consciousness toward healing throughout this period. Strive more to ensure that all your actions and deeds embody care and tolerance for others. Maintain your connection to the Light to ensure health and well-being in all areas of your life.”

~ Rav Berg, Kabbalistic Astrology

July 17

Spiritual Lessons

Any cosmic event that involves the planet Saturn will come with difficulty, but it will also bring a valuable lesson. Today, Venus faces off with Saturn. Venus greatly influences our romances and finances. Beware of potential challenges in these two areas of life. Today, be willing and open to understand there is a lesson hidden within any difficulty. You might discover the universe is encouraging you to endure or to revisit your choices. Today is not the day to take any action in these two areas, however, it is the time to reflect and ask the necessary questions. It is time to reconsider your choices. It is time to insist upon greater spiritual understanding of where you are headed in the near future. Every experience and every interaction are sent from the Creator in order for our souls to mature and develop. Spiritual evolution is the diamond hidden in every life experience, whether it is pleasant or challenging. Nothing in this world is random and everything is deeply rooted in purpose, growth, and most importantly, love. 

July 18

Higher Love

When Venus and Neptune have a pleasant meeting, as they do today, we welcome into our lives a higher connection to the power of love. Venus represents love, romance, and pleasure in earthly matters, while Neptune represents love on a higher spiritual plane. The energy today can open up many doors for us. For the singles reading, today can bring us closer to meeting the right romantic partner and help us be more selfless in our relationships. For those reading who are currently in relationships, today can be a powerful day to express your love by doing something romantic. Today can also be ideal to engage in creative projects. Love is really what this world is made of and what is behind its driving force. The Creator brought us here because of love, and it is love that is the answer to every challenge we face. For when we love, we are one with the Creator.

July 19

Sensitivity: Our Great Spiritual Tool

Mercury is in retrograde these days, and also in the sign of Cancer. Mercury retrograde in water signs, like Cancer, can assist us in connecting to people in a deeper, more meaningful way. However, there are some warning flags that need our attention. One way to take advantage of this planetary position is to be open to feeling more what is going on around us. Be more sensitive and aware of our surroundings. Water has the ability to unify, especially when it comes to large groups of people. We can use our sensitivity and emotional side to bring more unity to our personal groups and friendships. What we want to be careful about is acting and communicating from our negative feelings and emotions. We must caution ourselves from becoming too sensitive which leads to defensiveness and dwelling on past negative experiences. It is a time to be observant, slow-paced, and appreciate more. Sensitivity, ultimately, allows us to know how to love others more authentically. Every person has different needs and it is only through our sensitivity we are able to address them. Giving and caring are not positive actions if there is no vessel to receive them. 

July 20 - Shabbat Pinchas

A Channel for Healing

Today is very powerful for multiple reasons. According to Kabbalah, today is a day that contains tremendous amounts of healing energy and potential. Saturday, also known as “Shabbat Pinchas,” offers us a wellspring of healing energy for ourselves and those in need. From an astrological point of view, the moon is in the sign of Pisces today. This is creating a nice aspect with Uranus being in Taurus. These elements together increase the potential of healing, as well. The secret to access this energy of healing is to open ourselves and allow it to enter our heart and soul. Today is optimal for prayer and meditation for others who are in need of healing. Today, we are assisted in accessing the gift of healing so we may channel it from above to everyone in need. 
