Daily Astrology Forecast for August 18-24, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for August 18-24, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Agosto 18, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

August 18

Seeing the Beauty That Exists

There are times when we naturally are able to see the good, the beauty, and life’s silver lining. In contrast, there are times when we are more influenced by what is wrong and what is not yet perfect. With Venus entering into the sign of Virgo, we have to be aware of the danger of picking on everything that does not seem “perfect.” Be even more cautious of this tendency in the areas of romance and finance. Be aware of being judgmental of the people you love and from obsessing over your finances. A great exercise would be to count your blessings and focus only upon the beauty that is within us and around us. We need to work towards balance in life. It is only when we are able to see and acknowledge both sides, the positive and negative, that we are able to experience the truth and make the correct choices in life. 

August 19

Jupiter: The Great Beneficiary

Today, I would like to remind everyone of a cosmic opening that started last November and will remain open until the beginning of December 2019. The planet Jupiter is in the sign of Sagittarius this entire year! This is a very good position and brings positivity to all of us. Since Jupiter is the celestial body that brings good fortune, expansion, growth, and optimism, its energy multiplies even further when it resides in its home sign of Sagittarius, which occurs only every 12 years. This provides good fortune and opportunities both personally and globally. In order to understand how this positive window in time will manifest in your own life and where it is dominant for you, I recommend meeting with one of the Kabbalistic Astrologers from the Kabbalah Centres around the world for a personal chart reading. In this way, you can discover where your good fortune resides for you. The stars act as an interface to reveal our karma and the results of our good deeds in this life and prior lives. The more you can discover about yourself using the tool of Kabbalistic Astrology, the more you can understand your unique purpose here on earth. 

August 20

Exposing Hidden Energies

Today, the cosmic influence of the Moon and Pluto remind us that in order to heal, deep rooted feelings need to be brought to the surface in our relationships. Allowing feelings to be known can have a therapeutic effect on most relationships since it releases hidden energies that may be weakening the ties between two people. The Moon and Pluto can help encourage us to release emotions and make the necessary changes in our personal and domestic life. This can also be an ideal day for cleaning, repairing, and reorganizing your home. The challenge, however, of this planetary influence will be in obsessing about things and losing focus. If any compulsive behavior arises, remember that it is a sign that you should try to understand the deep and true origin of your actions and work on changing from the root. The truth will always set us free. As scary as it can be to express how we feel, it is always for our own benefit to be authentic. Our feelings are wise and they direct us on the path we need to go. It is only when we deny them, do we find ourselves in difficult times.   

August 21


Today, with the moon in Taurus and passing by the planet Uranus, which also is residing in Taurus, we can ignite a true sense of freedom. Since the moon governs our emotions, today will be ideal to free yourself from any limiting emotional baggage. Uranus is helping us to disconnect, change, and welcome the new and different. If you feel that you are carrying heavy emotional weight, today can be ideal to disconnect from it and finally let it go. Repeating positive and freeing affirmations can be a helpful tool. Take the time to meditate upon and repeat one or more of the following affirmations in order to welcome in this precious opportunity of freedom and to release old negative emotions that have only served to weigh you down.

  1. I see every situation as an opportunity to heal and grow.
  2. I forgive myself for holding onto grudges and release anyone who has wronged me. I free myself.
  3. I am excited to start a new chapter in my life.
  4. My freedom to choose is my freedom to change.
  5. Every day, I create the feeling of unlimited freedom in my life.

August 22

Born to Lead

Right before the sun is moving into the next sign of Virgo, let us enjoy, today, the qualities that the sun offers while it still resides in its home sign of Leo. Light, love, joy, and warmth are some of Leo’s gifts. In order to maintain those qualities, even as the sun enters Virgo, we should take advantage of Leo’s ability to lead and affect others for the better. Think of an area of life where you excel and your passion and talents exist. Imagine growing further in this area to become a great leader for positivity and change in the world. We learn in Kabbalah, that sharing what we have allows us to maintain our blessings and create an opening for even more to enter our lives. The secret is take our sharing up a notch so we may expedite the process to receive more Light. Transformative sharing is sharing beyond our zone of comfort. It allows us to not only share with others, but change who we are in the process. I recommend a little, but powerful book by Michael Berg called The Secret.  The Secret discusses in depth the power of transformative sharing and how it brings to us the blessings and fulfillment we seek. We came to this world to develop and awaken the spark of the Creator within us. There is a leader and Creator inside all of us, just waiting to be born. It is not always easy to do, but when we open our hearts and activate all the love we have within, life begins to taste like whatever it is we desire. 

August 23

A Clean Slate

Almost every day this week there is a planet moving into the sign of Virgo. This is preparing us for the upcoming month of Virgo in the kabbalistic calendar. Virgo, kabbalistically, begins September 1st this year, and is known as the month of repentance. It is the month when we reevaluate our past year and learn from any mistakes. We use the month of Virgo to also formulate a plan for the upcoming year. What lessons have we learned? What should we remember to avoid? In what areas should we be less reactive? How should we move forward for a better year ahead? Even before we enter Virgo, kabbalistically, the sun already entered Virgo today. Therefore, we are encouraged to begin the process of self-evaluation in all areas of our lives: career, diet, relationships, health, finances, and how we spend our energy and time. We can start to modify, today, the areas that are not working as optimally as they could be. Today is the time to start this internal and external, spiritual and physical, inventory. We are about to enter a cosmic window that is a once-a-year gift from the Creator. We are able to change our pasts and remove the negative consequences associated with them. If you have ever desired a chance to start over with a clean slate and begin, once again, the time is now. 

August 24 - Shabbat Ekev

Attention To the Details

Once again, Virgo is on the map. Mars and Venus, both in Virgo, are conjunct today. Both of these celestial bodies encourage us to pay attention to the details in life. Today’s energy is supporting us to take a closer look at the fine print of life. The universe is asking us to become more focused, observant, accurate, and precise. Our new set of “eyes” can positively affect our financial affairs, as well. If there is any contract that needs a second look, now is the time. Any opportunity that you were left feeling unsure about, take second look. You now have a greater vision and understanding. Clarity and seeing the truth requires a heightened level of spirituality. The great kabbalists were able to see what was good and make choices free from illusions. If we, too, could see beyond illusions and only see the truth, we could prevent mistakes and prevent drawing negativity into our lives. To truly see is a tremendous gift, and the cosmos wishes to bestow it on us today. 
