Daily Astrology Forecast for September 29 - October 5, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for September 29 - October 5, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Settembre 29, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

September 29 - Night of Rosh Hashanah

Envision Your Upcoming Year

The Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mercury are all in the sign of Libra as we come together tonight to celebrate the big night of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the year on the kabbalistic calendar. I would recommend everyone to take the time to more deeply understand the spiritual value of the upcoming two days. Rosh Hashanah is a tremendous gift and a once-a-year cosmic opportunity. It is invaluable to be able to purify our karma and make for a better year, free from impending chaos. The more we can understand the cosmic activities during these two days, the more value we gain. One of the most positive attributes of the sign of Libra is its ability to consider others, and to strive for peace, harmony, and balance in all aspects of life. Today, let us all connect to the incredible gifts that the sign of Libra is sharing abundantly with us. Let us view the world, the people in our lives, and our upcoming year in a positive way. Envision all of your challenges resolved and solved. See a year full of growth and positive opportunities that will allow you to manifest more of your potential than ever before! Happy New Year!

September 30 - Rosh Hashanah 5780

Seeking Higher Ground

Technology has provided us, as society, an experience that in some
small measure simulates aspects of the many layers of Creation.
We can now comprehend the phenomenal expanse and
capacity of algorithms that influence every aspect of our known lives. We idolize those who created them; we talk about them, we seek to learn their next move, we want to know what they think about and what they are doing. Imagine if we began to seek God and His spiritual technology with the same passion and respect?

- An excerpt from The Technology of Rosh Hashanah: The Gift of Life by Karen Berg

Today is the first day of the year according to the kabbalists and it is known as Rosh Hashanah. There is a great deal of power and a multitude of gifts from the Creator available in this window of time. Cosmically, Venus is in a challenging aspect with Pluto for the first time this year. We actually are entering a spiritual battle for the next 48 hours. This battle, however, is a battle of consciousness. The lesson for today is that no matter what you believe, if you celebrate Rosh Hashanah or not, seek for spirituality and look for the Creator in your life. Fight to see the Light and the spiritual lesson in every challenge and difficult emotion that may arise. Today, our karma is dealt and revealed for the upcoming year. Our deeper life lessons are brought to the surface. But, as always, when we need to face a challenge, we can stand strong and face it with courage, because we know that behind it lies a blessing and a purpose. We seek the love and goodness that is at the root of everything in this world. In this way, we put ourselves in a space to connect to only blessings, joy, and the Light of the Creator, today, and for the coming year. 

October 1 - Rosh Hashanah Day 2

Tough Love

Have you ever experienced tough love before? Tough love is a kind of love that does not always feel so great at the moment, but over time, we learn to appreciate it, because it pushes us to reach our next spiritual level of maturation. An example of tough love is when a parent chooses not to give his or her children everything they want right away. Instead, the parent encourages the children to make an effort to earn what they desire, and in this way, they grow to be more responsible, strong, and independent. Today, Venus and Pluto are experiencing this same kind of tough love and it can possibly affect us all. The Creator wishes to impart to us everything, just as a loving parent wishes to give his or her children everything. However, sometimes, not being given what we want is really being given what we need. We do not always feel that tough love is love at all, especially during the times when our desires are not met in the manner or the timing that we had envisioned. Today, honor all the areas of your life where you are not being given what you want. Take notice of the areas where you are experiencing lack and unfulfilled desires. Be open to seeing there is love there: the Creator’s love. There is a perfect plan unfolding for you and your soul. It may not look like what you want is coming your way, but on the way to you will be exactly what you need. Being given what we authentically need, for our soul’s maturation, is the greatest kind of love of all.

October 2

Inside to Outside

Pluto is ending its five month retrograde period today. During the last five months, we were encouraged to look within, confront our “shadows”, recognize our deepest wounds, admit our secrets, and acknowledge the unpleasant parts of ourselves. Pluto is the planet of transformation. It pushes us towards meaningful change. However, this period of self-reflection and self-analysis is now over. We progress to the next phase: manifesting our inner transformation. Actively confronting difficult situations or relationships may be synergistic with Pluto’s energetic shift. Now is the time to reach out and take the necessary actions to reflect our internal transformation. Kabbalah teaches that we live in a physical world for a reason. It is not spirituality to only devote our lives to prayer and meditation. While these metaphysical actions are necessary, just as critical and vital to our spiritual evolution are the physical ones. In fact, it is our physical actions that manifest the positive energy we have created. Until we are able to manifest positive energy, does it really even exist? It is in our ability to “walk the talk” and really effect practical change in our lives are we then sure that a real change happened within.

October 3

Communication Alert!

Mercury is moving into the sign of Scorpio today. Scorpio is known for its intense and very direct energy. Since Mercury represents the way that we communicate with others, we want to be cautious in how we speak. Scorpios always search for the truth and have no problem confronting or strongly pointing out to another what they believe to be true. Starting today, pay close attention to your communication with others. Restrict any desire you may have to react in a strong and aggressive way. Remember to take time before responding. Make sure that your energy is on the softer side and does not emit in an intense manner, even if it is for the sake of truth. Sometimes the truth may hurt and our first promise as spiritual beings is to do no harm first. We will be better able to help others and the world when we lead with our hearts and lead with love.

October 4

Make Love, Not War

Mars, the planet of war, is entering into the peaceful sign of Libra. This movement can be supportive and challenging, simultaneously. Awareness is the key to utilize this transitioning in the best possible way. Mars in Libra can weaken the assertiveness of Mars and can potentially awaken in us doubts and indecisiveness for the next few weeks. Beware of this especially if you are on the path of manifesting your dreams and goals. Do not allow this energy to slow you down, affect your focus, or cloud your certainty. On the other hand, if you are in a heated conflict or if you are someone who is more confrontational and aggressive, Libra’s influence can calm you down and help you seek balance, peace, and harmony with others. Let us all connect to the positive opportunity available in this transition. Let our slogan for the next few weeks be: “Make Love, Not War.” We came to this world to develop our God-gene within, to develop our capacity to love and receive love. Now is an ideal time to take steps forward in this holy endeavor. While it may be hard to choose love over war, we are the ones who will benefit the most from this choice. As the saying goes, “Anger is the poison you drink expecting the other person to die.”

October 5 - Shabbat Vayigash & Shabbat Shuva

Becoming the Captain of Your Own Ship

It is easier just to be alone sometimes, especially if we feel we are different than those around us. The desire to disconnect and seek solitude is the pitfall of today. The Sun is in Libra, which seeks approval, companionship, and values the opinion of others. This positioning faces a challenge with the Moon in Capricorn which will feel that solitude is the better path. Today, we should be aware of this challenge and surmount the desire to disconnect from people. Instead, proactively focus upon the value others bring into your life. Be willing to see how interacting and exchanging energy with others is vital for spiritual growth. Be interested in the opinions and company of people, for they each have a spark of the Creator within. By overcoming the cosmic challenges of the day, we are growing spiritually and gaining a full control over our destiny. “Kabbalah teaches that we have many possible futures, and that through kabbalistic wisdom we can become captains of our own ship and masters of our own destiny.” - Rav Berg, Kabbalistic Astrology
