Daily Astrology Forecast for October 20-26, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for October 20-26, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Ottobre 20, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

October 20 - Sukkot & Hoshana Rabba

Sign the Deal

Today’s beautiful aspect between Venus and Saturn brings the energy of grounding, conviction, and commitment. Those of us who are in a romantic relationship can benefit immensely from the cosmos today. Venus in Scorpio allows us to see the truth about our partners and helps us to take action to move to the next level in our relationship. Venus is a reflection of our relationships and financial affairs. If you were looking for a day to make a decision, sign a deal, commit further, or move forward in the area of romance or money, today is the day! Saturn gives shape, form, and structure to our desires and goals. It brings us closer towards manifestation and this energy is within our reach. The planets manifest various qualities and attributes of the Creator. It is in this way we are able to experience the totality of the Creator, but in a digestible way. The celestial bodies are the interface through which the Creator’s blessings are channeled to us. If you lack the ability to manifest in your life, seize this day to finally make your dreams come true. 

October 21 - Simchat Torah

A Celebration of Light 

Today is Simchat Torah and it is one of the most beautiful and joyous holidays in the kabbalistic calendar. It occurs at the end of the “high holidays” and is a finality of the 22-day process of spiritual rebuilding for the year. This process gave us the opportunity to cleanse, recharge, and reconnect to the Light force of the Creator for the upcoming year. Today is a celebration of Light and a day that concludes all the effort and connections that we made over the last 21 days. It does not matter if you were actively present during the last 21 days, for today, we can all tap what is available in the universe. Cosmically, we are being beautifully supported by both Venus and Neptune. These celestial bodies represent love and union with the divine force of God. Venus represents human love. It is the love for people, nature, earth, and all the physical manifestations of the Light. Neptune represents our love for the creation process, the spiritual realm, the beautiful unseen order of life, and for a higher consciousness. Take the time today to celebrate and be joyful! Appreciate and rejoice life as it is with all of its beautiful gifts. It is a day to connect the dots in life and become aware that we are all connected. We can more easily see the Light force of God in every moment and every experience of our lives. Life may appear random but it is, in fact, in perfect order. It is divinely organized and created solely for our benefit and spiritual growth. If we knew how perfect the system of life is, we would stare up at the sky and laugh! This is the joy Simchat Torah offers everyone today.

October 22

The Name of the Game Is Humility

The last few weeks signified an important cosmic period in time, according to Kabbalah. Last night we ended the period known as the High Holidays which consisted of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the seven days of Sukkot, and Simchat Torah. These high holidays were gifts from the Creator allowing us to enter the year more connected to our soul’s purpose and more spiritually aligned. It is a process that occurred globally for all of humanity whether we participated fully or not. Today is the first day our new consciousness and selves are being put to the test. With the Moon being in the sign of Leo, we are being reminded that one of the most important ingredients for growth and achieving true success is humility. There is so much that we are not able to see and understand. Humility allows a higher power to enter our lives. Humility allows us to be learners and to absorb the messages all around us, for every moment in life offers its lessons. Every person we meet can teach us something. The sign of Leo is one of the signs that struggles with this truth the most, for the lion is the king of the jungle; what can peasants possibly teach the king? The Sun, which is the planet that rules Leo, is the center of the universe. This massive ego blocks us from being people who learn and listen to others. For the next few days, remember that humility is the name of the game. Growth cannot exist if we already think we are larger than life and smarter than everyone around us. The Light is accessible for us all the time, but only if we open a window for it. Reducing our ego allows us to admit the truth that we all need help, none of us can do it alone, and we do not know it all. 

October 23

Riding the Wave of Change

The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio today. Scorpio is a very powerful sign that has the potential to either build or destroy. This is precisely why Scorpio is the sign that is synonymous with the power of transformation. Scorpio is easily able to eliminate what is superfluous and rebuild a brand new reality. Death and rebirth are the ways of Scorpio. Since it is also the beginning of the fall season when the days become colder and shorter, we understand that our spiritual work is now in the process of concealment. Now is the time to go within. Just as the trees are ridding themselves of dead leaves, we, too, are encouraged to rid ourselves of physical and emotional “dead leaves”. Remember, life is but a cycle, a circle. If we want to be ready for the spring, we need to let go of the old to make room for what is new and coming. The universe is awakening us to be proactive about change and transformation. Transformation will occur no matter what we do. Therefore, the question is, will it be forced upon us via chaos and crisis, God forbid? Or will we engage in the process, forge forward in our spiritual awakening, and initiate our own internal healing? Whatever we choose, Scorpio is intent upon transformation. It will happen either way. Allow the wave to come. Ride it. Let it take you to places you have never been before.

October 24

Your Inner Psychic

Our internal world is highly functioning, today. With the Moon in opposition to Neptune, we can be extremely imaginative and creative, however, be careful not to create realities in our minds that do not actually exist. The ability to sense our environment and feel others around us comes more naturally to us today. We all become a little bit psychic, being able to access information that is beyond the confines of time and space. What is the spiritual way to handle this gift? Ask the Creator to become a channel of positivity and messages that can uplift and assist those around you. Ask for the ability to tap into your spiritual vision so you may help someone from a more elevated place. We are no good to others if we are not healthy and whole ourselves. When we take the time to work on ourselves through spirituality and self-love, we are then able to successfully help others on their path.

October 25

Take Action!

We are a few days away from entering the sign of Scorpio on the kabbalistic calendar. The last few days of Libra lie in front of us. Today, be willing to come closer to achieving some of the spiritual goals for the month of Libra while we still have the time. “We must learn to trust the Light and must understand that making mistakes is one of the ways we grow. We must take action in order to reveal Light,” Rav Berg teaches us in his book Kabbalistic Astrology. Today, it will behoove us to examine the areas where we are too concerned with what others think about us. Observe when we allow ourselves to become confused by other people’s opinions. In the month of Libra, we strive for harmony, peace, and to make people happy. Because of this, we may lack the ability to dance to the beat of our own drummer. Today, take an action without worrying what others might say or if you are going to make a mistake. After all, there are no mistakes, just lessons to be learned and new opportunities to be experienced. Let us overcome the negative qualities of Libra, while we still have the chance. Use the wisdom within and the guidance of others in a balanced way. The opinions of others are meant to inform us and improve our vision, not paralyze us with indecision. Remedy the confusion by taking action today! 

October 26 - Shabbat Beresheet

The Untraditional Approach

We all grew up learning certain belief systems and developing our own mind sets. Some of us are more inclined to be traditional, fixed minded, and rule followers. Today, the traditional approach to life is being challenged by Uranus which is facing off with the Sun. Pay attention if anything comes to offset your traditional way of thinking and acting. Be open to the new and the unexpected. Welcome innovative ideas and be sure not to rule them out immediately. Additionally, take the time to examine the areas of life where you are closed minded, too traditional, and not open to new ways. Ask the universe to give you the ability to access the untraditional way of thinking in order to progress in those areas that you have been stuck. Oftentimes, we hold on to old ways out of fear. We are afraid to change, afraid to let go, and afraid of being hurt. When we see that fear is holding us back from change and experiencing all the goodness life can offer, maybe, just maybe, we will be willing to try something new.
