Daily Astrology Forecast for October 27 - November 2, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for October 27 - November 2, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Ottobre 27, 2019
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October 27


Have you ever felt tangled in knots with unpleasant and complicated emotions? Today, there are four planets that are influencing us with unpleasant energy. The risk of today may occur if we do not properly manage our aggressions, leading us to disconnect and behave unnecessarily. Mars, Saturn, the Sun, and Uranus are all in play and we have to be aware of this powerful group and their potential irritating energy. Today, it is extremely important to use all of your spiritual arsenal to protect and shield yourself. Morning meditations or prayer, a few one-minute meditations throughout the day, deep breathing practice, positive affirmations, and exercise can all help us to restrict more and deal successfully with anything unpleasant. Spiritual tools and practice are not done in vain. They strengthen us to find our center, discover our spirit, and conquer our negativity. If we want blessings in our lives, we must do what needs to be done in order to draw them. Spiritual tools and a spiritual practice are the backbone to maturing our souls, connecting more deeply with the Creator, and drawing the blessings life wishes to give to us.

October 28

The Power of Words

For those of us who struggle with public speaking, today can be an optimal day to break this fear, once and for all. The conjunction between Mercury and Venus helps us to look good, sound good, and deliver messages clearly. Since both signs are in the sign of Scorpio, any public appearance that includes sharing deeper meanings will also be in our favor. Since Scorpio is able to dig deeply and reveal unpleasant aspects of things, we should avoid delivering messages of negativity, doom and gloom, and drama. Instead, use this cosmic influence to share positive energy, to build, and to nurture, rather than to destroy or condemn. Our words have the power to lift someone up in their moment of need, or, God forbid, perpetuate their negativity and push them to fall further. The power of life and death can be found in what we say. We must choose wisely and remember to always speak with love, care, and compassion. For when someone falls, we all fall, too. But, when someone rises, we all rise a little bit along with them. 

October 29 - New Moon Scorpio, Last Day of Libra

Managing Disappointment

How do you manage your disappointments? What happens when things do not go the way you expected after you worked hard towards a certain outcome? Here is a famous old saying that can help us during life’s disappointing times: “Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.” With today’s energy of struggle between Mars and Neptune, we are learning the very important kabbalistic concept that energy is never wasted. If you make an effort and invest time, love, care, and energy in something, it never disappears. Things do not always manifest in the form we expect or in the time we envision. The positive energy we create will stay with us forever to support our endeavors in life. Today, we want to keep this concept and truth in our hearts and minds. Have certainty that energy never dies, it is merely changing form. If you find the feeling of disappointment creeping in, stay connected to the truth that your energy and work still exists and they will manifest in the divine way and at the divine time. The positive seeds we plant will grow into beautiful flowers when we least expect it. Love and positivity are never acts of vanity. Good energy always adds value to our lives and to the world. It always finds its way back to us, reaping us with the same care and love that we sowed.

October 30

The Power of Humility

Happy new month, everyone! The month of Scorpio has arrived and it has a unique and powerful influence. We want to be aware of the risk of coming across overly strong or too direct. We can instead harness Scorpio’s power in order to support and push us towards meaningful life transformation. With the Mercury and Venus conjunction in Scorpio today, we have the ability to be very convincing and show sincerity in our communications with others. This combination is greatly beneficial for any financial transaction of buying or selling, as well as for real estate. Feeling powerful and confident is great when we act in congruence with the Light force of the Creator and positivity becomes our driving force. Our power is not our own, but is a gift from the Creator so we may impact the world for the better. Our gifts and talents can be a source of goodness, yes, for ourselves, but they have been given to us, on loan, for humanity. Let us all keep this consciousness so we may be powerful and humble simultaneously. 

October 31

Don’t Let Your Stinger Out

Today, Mercury in Scorpio turns retrograde. Mercury retrograde, in any sign, is a time to avoid conflicts and watch for misunderstandings as these instances tend to increase during this cosmic window. When Mercury is in retrograde, communication can be confusing and technical disconnects can arise. Since Mercury is in Scorpio, there is a danger of our stinger coming out during these miscommunications and conflicts, causing pain to others. Because of the retrograde, Mercury will reside in Scorpio for an unusually long time – until December 9th! Let us be aware of this potentially harsh communication setback. Instead of directing our energy outward, the best way to handle Mercury in retrograde is to look inward. Scorpio is a sign that signifies beginnings and endings in life. It ushers in transformation that leads to a more meaningful, truthful, and spiritual place. Take the time today and in the upcoming six weeks to reflect and reassess your past ups-and-downs. Meditate upon your successes and perceived failures. Focus on learning your lessons and gaining the wisdom and understanding on how to move forward in your life. Scorpio offers us the power of change, but we cannot ever really change others, only ourselves. Use this time not for creating a revolution for others, but a revolution within.  

November 1

Winds of Optimism

A wind of optimism is starting to blow upon our finances and relationships giving us the breath of fresh air we have been seeking. Venus is exiting the sign of Scorpio and enters the easy going and much more optimistic sign of Sagittarius. This movement is very helpful in the month of Scorpio when drama and fatalism can reign supreme and finding a compromise or the middle ground can pose a problem. We are given a respite from the harsh glare of only seeing things as either black or white. Venus in Sagittarius will help us better appreciate our loved ones, take the necessary risks in our finances, and allow us to push the boundaries that need to be broken. Sagittarius is about expansion and this allows us to move forward with confidence, optimism, and a desire for growth. Sagittarius follows Scorpio astrologically because it is the next level of our evolution. We are being given a glimpse of the future where happiness, miracles, and ease are commonplace. Allow this consciousness to be like a medicine during this month of Scorpio. Beneath the challenge there is a lesson. After the storm, the sun will shine again. The Light of the Creator is always shining and it will soon shine once again upon your face. 

November 2 - Shabbat Noach

Our Opportunity to Transform

Since the Sun, which is in the sign of Scorpio, is aligned in a positive aspect with our point of tikkun and karma (the south and north node), we are being gifted with a unique karmic opportunity. The month of Scorpio is a time that pushes us for deep and meaningful spiritual transformation. Let us, today, focus upon the points of spiritual work that typically are required from anyone born under the sign of Scorpio because during this month we all become versions of Scorpios and it becomes our work, as well. In his book, Kabbalistic Astrology, Rav Berg shares for everyone some of the best advice and meditation for the month of Scorpio: “…. Whenever you experience a surge of anger, passion or hatred, you must endeavor to control it. Scorpio should stop manufacturing crises and dramas that eventually overwhelm them and those around them. When Scorpios allow the water side of their characters to emerge, they can transform their nature and ascend to higher levels of consciousness.” If we keep in the forefront of our beings the need to control ourselves so we do not harm ourselves and others, and instead tap into the love and mercy that resides within, we not only transform our negativity, but reveal all the power of the Creator that lies within.
