Daily Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for November 24-30, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Novembre 24, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

November 24

Be Careful, Not Careless

With today’s cosmic influences, we should be open to choosing the careful route rather than a riskier one. We are still experiencing the happy and blessed connection of Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius that we discussed yesterday. This planetary alignment is generally positive, but because of the new challenging aspects being thrown into today’s mix, we need to become aware of the careless side of Jupiter and Sagittarius. Mars is opposing Uranus today, which is the only time of the year it will do so. This opposition brings unpredictability and aggression. Today, choose the careful and conservative route. Avoid any unnecessary risks as to avoid potential accidents or violence. Think twice, use common sense, and take it slow to avoid the potential turbulences. 

November 25

Be Free from Guilt

Has someone ever told you that you are the only one who they can trust with their problem? Or when you do not agree to a task or project, has someone said to you, “Don’t you care at all about this?” How do these types of statements make you feel? Today, the cosmic challenging aspect between the Sun and Uranus can awaken a deep inner guilt about turning people down. We can feel challenged by others, especially by their authoritative attitude when requesting our help or service. Today, make sure that you do not operate from a place of guilt. It is important for us to stay true to ourselves. Be strong and clear on what we feel is the right or wrong thing for us to do. If you do not feel comfortable about something that you have been asked to participate in, do not do it just for the sake of making others happy. Anything you choose to do should be done because you believe it will reveal more Light in your own life. Your preferences and feelings are not random, but they are wise and from the Creator. We must follow our minds as well as our hearts throughout life. Do not feel guilty for choosing happiness. The Creator wants you to be happy. When you are happy you give permission for others to do feel same. We came to this world to experience joy, that is what the Creator intended. There should be no guilt in that. 

November 26

Point of Balance

According to the solar calendar, the energy of Sagittarius is already in the air. The Sun and the Moon are both in Sagittarius and this brings a boost of confidence, positive outlook, and a lighter approach to things. Today, in order to balance the energy, Venus is entering into the sign of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is awakening a more serious and responsible outlook with our loved ones and our finances. This comes as a welcomed balancing force in a time when Sagittarius is overly dominant. Sagittarius can lead us sometimes to over spending because we can indulge, exaggerate, or overestimate our resources and abilities. However, when Venus is in Capricorn, we keep ourselves in check, think twice, stay realistic, and keep our feet on the ground. Balance is always the secret in life. Being lopsided prevents us from finding the balance where financial and emotional health resides. Extremes always lead to difficulties. Kabbalah teaches that balancing and reconciling our opposing forces is the secret to success, happiness, and lasting fulfillment. The middle path is the point of balance. 

November 27

Waking Up from the Dream

Neptune is finally leaving retrograde after being so since last June. Neptune is the planet of dreams, of the unseen world, and the spiritual unlimited reality. Neptune also channels our creativity. When Neptune is in retrograde, things are brewing on the inside, like falling into a deep sleep. These last few months were the time to develop and connect to our vision, insights, and dreams. Now that Neptune moves direct, it is the time to wake up and begin to act! Everything that was concealed is now ready to be manifested with Neptune’s forward direction. Today, take a step towards planning and manifesting your dreams. Start to plant the seeds of your desired reality. Before anything manifests, we must first see it in our minds. The mind is the beginning of everything in this world. We need only to believe it, and then we shall see it. 

November 28 – New Moon of Sagittarius (Thanksgiving Day, USA)

Appreciation Is Joy

Today, in America, the holiday of Thanksgiving is celebrated. This is a beautiful day of focusing upon appreciation. Luckily, it does not matter what country around the world you are in, as today’s unique cosmic energy can still support you in cultivating appreciation. We learn in Kabbalah that appreciation is the vessel that contains the Light and blessings of our lives. Think about it, we enjoy the things the most that we acknowledge and appreciate. Humility and gratitude foster joy. The more we can learn to appreciate the people in our life, the situations we find ourselves in, and ourselves in general, the more Light that we will experience from those things. Today, with Mercury and Neptune aligning beautifully, we are receiving the aid to be increasingly sensitive to our environment, which includes the opinions of others. This alignment will awaken and amplify our inspiration and what we can acknowledge. Let us be a source of inspiration for others and let us appreciate the people who inspire us and every blessing we are able to see around us. Becoming aware of our blessings, awakening our inspiration, and fostering a true sense of appreciation, will take us a few more steps closer to authentic joy and ultimately closer to the Light force of the Creator.

November 29 - New Moon of Sagittarius

This Month’s Mission

Today, we celebrate the beginning of the month of Sagittarius in the Kabbalistic Calendar. The sign of Sagittarius is full of spiritual Light and contains an abundance of energy. Those born under this sign strive to grow, evolve, and get closer to their truth and purpose. They are very courageous and have a strong belief of the Light of the Creator within them, regardless of what challenge they may face. Fortunately, we all can connect to these qualities this month, regardless of our personal birth sign. So far, this month sounds heavenly, but what is the spiritual work that is required from us in the month of Sagittarius? What do we need to overcome? To help answer these questions, here is Rav Berg’s advice from his book, Kabbalistic Astrology: “For the Sagittarian there is always a ‘happy ending.’ The influence of Jupiter convinces them that everything will be fine in the end. While Kabbalah teaches us that this is ultimately true, Sagittarians must not allow their optimism to become complacency and smugness. They cannot simply depend on the planetary influence to pull them through their correction. Everyone has work to do.” While this month may be the luckiest and most positive month of the year, let us not rest on our laurels. We do not have angel wings just yet. Life’s most urgent questions are, “Who can I help?” “Who can I serve?” “With whom can I share some of my abundance?” If you have been blessed with a little sunshine, always remember to spread it around to those who may be experiencing a cloudy day. 

November 30 - Shabbat Toldot


The Moon moves into the sign of Aquarius today, and together with the Sun in Sagittarius, we have a winning combination to help us achieve independence in our lives. Take the time, today, to reflect upon the areas of life in which you are simply too needy and dependent. Maybe you wait for approval, confirmation, or permission from others before taking a step forward? Maybe you wait for circumstances to change before following your gut and taking a stand? Maybe you simply do not believe that you, yourself, can create your own reality and ideal life? Today, ask yourself, “What are my limiting belief systems?” Ask yourself, “Where do I desire more freedom?” “How can I move closer to independence?” Fear is reactivity and it is the root of dependency and stagnation. Our solution is certainty in ourselves and the Light of the Creator, which is always with us. Certainty is a proactive consciousness that opens the doors to change and allows us to connect to our heart’s calling. Certainty gives way to freedom and true independence. Connect to the power of the Creator within yourself and you will be able to connect to a life of your dreams, free from fear. 
