Daily Astrology Forecast for May 5-11, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for May 5-11, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Maggio 5, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

May 5 - New Moon of Taurus

Confidence and Taking Risks

Our last day of Aries, before the new moon in Taurus, blesses us with a boost of confidence. In the upcoming month, the cosmic energy is allowing us to have a safer, balanced, and practical approach to life. But right before we are shifting to this energy, we are experiencing an opposition between Mars and Jupiter. This correlates to high energy, confidence, and a desire to take risks and be adventurous. Remember that we are ending the month of Aries. It is like a kid in the candy shop before it closes. He is grabbing anything and all that he can! Today, be courageous. See how you can utilize the last hours of Aries. Be confident. Be a pioneer. Initiate anything in your life. Do what needs to be done before the energy shifts. Just proceed with caution and always count to three before jumping into water.  

May 6 - New Moon of Taurus

Nice and Easy

With Mercury’s movement into the sign of Taurus, we are being encouraged to take things slow. Mercury is a planet that governs and rules over our communication. We have the ability to be more grounded and “down to earth” for the next month, specifically in the way in which we communicate with others. The month of Taurus is a time that provides us with more balance, centering, and foundation. Take advantage of this planetary influence by taking the time you need to organize your thoughts and find your center. Welcome into your life the calm and tranquil qualities of the Taurean. Before you speak, think. Make sure what you are about to say is something the other person is open to hearing, speaking only if you feel openness coming from the other side. Move slowly and surely. The month of Taurus provides us with the assistance to elevate and gain spiritual grounding. The tremendous Light available this month helps us to heal, physically and spiritually. It is a Light that provides the comfort in knowing there is no need to rush, everything will always be OK.

May 7

Rising Above Sadness

With today’s challenging aspect between Venus and retrograded Saturn, there is a chance we may feel a bit gloomy. Feelings of sadness, loneliness, rejection, or isolation might try to creep into our psyches, aiming to interrupt us today. The best advice we can heed today is to not take things personally. Today, cultivate self-love and self-acceptance. Make the time to engage in activities that make you feel good and focus on all of life’s blessings. Feel your abundance. It is so important on days like today to keep in mind that everything is only temporary. Stay strong to avoid falling into the illusions of negative thinking and negative feelings. Remind yourself that everything is going to be alright. The Creator brought us here so that we may overcome our challenges and achieve and receive joy. We are never given more than we can handle. Behind our effort and spiritual journey lies the great fulfillment and joy we were born to experience. 

May 8

Higher Logic

Today is a once a year meeting between Mercury and Uranus. We have a tremendous opportunity to ascend our insight to a higher level. Think out of the box, and be curious and eager to understand more of life and its mysteries. We are assisted in tackling and understanding any difficult topic or situation that may have stumped us as of late. Today is not the day to be methodical in how we think. Do not try to make sense out of things or demand to obtain a realistic and practical solution. Today, find the unique solutions and answers that can only come from intuition and a higher logic. Just be sure not to jump into any conclusions too quickly. A logical mind keeps us bound to the limited reality. We need to be open to understanding that the realm where miracles and boundless blessings reside is above our human logic. Allowing yourself to tap into something greater than yourself will allow you to receive the answers you need. 

May 9

Hope in the Midst of Difficulty

Today, Venus offers us two very interesting and very different celestial influences. Venus and Pluto send to us a challenge, while Venus with Jupiter provides a beacon of hope on the horizon. These combinations can be very powerful for our spiritual journey, especially in our relationships. There is a difficulty and solution existing simultaneously, both reachable at the same time. Deep wounds, hurts, and conflicts might surface today between us and our loved ones. It might feel challenging and heavy, but, at the same time, remember hopeful Jupiter is involved. The potential is there to see the positive side of our difficulties, and to see the path to alleviate the pain and find a resolution. Hold on today, do not allow any challenge to take you over completely. Strive to find the string of hope and look for the silver lining. There is a greater lesson and a greater guidance the universe is trying to show you. Behind every storm exists the light of the sun, and so, too, within each challenge exists a blessing created from love just for you.

May 10

Unchangeable Melody

One of the hardest actions for a Taurus is change. We are in the month of Taurus in the kabbalistic calendar, additionally the planet Mercury is also in the sign of Taurus. The idea of change could be difficult for many of us now, even more so after we have already decided and made a choice. Today, let us ask the Light force of the Creator to reveal to us any area in our lives that we might be too stubborn to change. Where is change required? What decisions need consideration? What opportunities are we completely ignoring simply because we are afraid of change and being uncomfortable? Today, be open to change. Reevaluate wherever you may feel stagnant and progress is lacking. If we want to grow and progress, we must change. Life is a paradox. When we seek only comfort in life and bury our heads into the sand, we eventually add more stress and unnecessary challenges to our lives. However, when we are willing to embrace a little change each and every day, we ultimately create a life rich with peace, comfort, and the fulfillment we seek.

May 11 - Shabbat Emor

Keeping Your Feet on the Ground

After a hectic week that was full of planetary ups and downs, today presents balance and stability. The Sun and Saturn trine supports us with such stability, strength, and calmness. Supplementing this today is the energy of Shabbat which is the seventh day of the week and the manifestation of our spiritual work throughout the previous week. It is the day that our potential blessings are drawn into physical reality and they achieve fruition. Shabbat is a day of peace, inner calm, and stability. When we take the time each week on Shabbat, even for five minutes, to reflect upon our lives and strive to connect with our Creator, we build a life founded in peace and blessings.
