Daily Astrology Forecast for May 19-25, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for May 19-25, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Maggio 19, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

May 19

Out of the Box

Today with the Venus and Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, we are being encouraged to think outside of the box, especially in the areas of romance and finances. The cosmic event of today can affect us in two different ways. It can awaken new situations and opportunities to appear on their own or it can guide us to proactively engage in new and unique actions that will provoke them to appear. Today, let us be proactive and be “out of the box” in our thinking and actions with our loved ones and financial dealings. It is a day that we should drop our old routine and try something totally new. Keep in mind, if we do not take the proactive approach, those changes, shake-ups, and out-of-the-ordinary situations might suddenly appear on their own. Most importantly, remember to stay open and not fight the direction the universe wishes to take you. The Creator has a plan of higher good for you. The more we can be open to life and all its opportunities, the more we can allow this plan to unfold. 

May 20

Recovery and Hope

For most of the day, we can experience the effect of the Moon and Jupiter in conjunction in the sign of Sagittarius. The moon represents our emotional system, and Jupiter awakens hope and great optimism. Putting the two together provides us with the power to recover and elevate from any negative emotions we hold. Letting go and seeing everything in a brighter and more hopeful light is an important stage in recovery. Let us all take advantage of this energy today and focus on releasing negative emotions and heal from any bad experience in our life. Every experience we endure provides for us blessings we were meant to obtain. Inside a negative experience will exist positivity. We need only to trust and be open to seeing it.

May 21

High Speed

Fasten your seat belts! We are shifting gears today with the Sun and Mercury moving into the sign of Gemini. However, remember it is still the month of Taurus according to the kabbalistic calendar. The Sun and Mercury moving into Gemini will place things into high pace. It is the time to learn new skills and spice up your life. It is ideal to socialize with new people, discover new points of view, become curious, and be rational. However, avoid taking things too deeply or engaging in heavy conversations. The universe is buzzing with the energy of networking and brainstorming. Gemini is an air sign and seems to be everywhere at once. It is a time for communication and union with the Light of the Creator. The Light is always simple, fast, and forever moving. If we can borrow these qualities we can turn this great Light on in our lives. 

May 22

Be Bold! Be You!

Kabbalistically, we learn that each soul on earth has a unique and individual expression, purpose, and gifts. However, are we connected to our gifts? Do we know our unique purpose? With today’s positive aspect between Mars and Uranus, we are encouraged to be daring and allow ourselves the freedom to express our unique nature. Do you have a unique idea that you have been afraid to share? Is there some activity you have been secretly longing to try? With whom would you normally not engage? Perhaps listening to different ideas that typically we are not open to hearing can spark within us a hidden passion. The cosmic support today welcomes you to reveal yourself. Oftentimes, fears and doubts cause us to dim our lights, and over time we can forget who we are and the divine blessings we possess. Set yourself free today. You have a certain Light inside that is unique, rare, and needed in this world. 

May 23 - Lag ba'Omer

Creative Giving

Mars is a planet that is influencing the way we engage in action. Since Mars is in the sign of Cancer, we have the ability to take action in sharing, helping, and supporting others in need. In addition to today’s beautiful aspect between Mars and Uranus, we are awakened to share in a creative way. We all have our set and comfortable ways of sharing with others. For some, it is giving a monetary support to an organization. For others, it is volunteering and giving our time. Yet, for others, sharing is very personal. They mostly only share with their loved ones, caring for them and attending to their needs. Today, think of new and creative ways that you can positively impact the world. Extend your heart and hand into areas that you usually avoid. Find a new and unique way to channel the Light of the Creator and bring your special combination of love and care to those around you. We have come to this world to give as much as we can. It is in doing so we receive everything life has to offer.

May 24

The Challenge in Expressing How We Feel

The moon represents our emotions. Venus represents the expression of our emotions. When the Moon and Venus have a challenging aspect, as they do today, our ability to express our emotions can also be challenged. If you are looking for the right day and time to express your feelings, today will not serve you well. Today exists the potential of being misunderstood. We are likely to communicate unclearly and find expressing our emotions to be rather uncomfortable. Another element of this challenge today is feeling we are unpopular and unwanted, even if that is not the reality. In addition, this challenge can manifest financially. Be careful of over spending and be more responsible with your money. The cosmic planetary influences are ultimately designed to assist us. The ability to understand these energies allows us to choose the right timing for the most optimal results. When we work with the cosmos and the energy in the universe, we can be more successful in moving forward and making decisions. The wisest captain knows not to sail her ship against the wind, but to allow the wind to take her smoothly to her destination.  

May 25 - Shabbat Bechukotai

Golden Generosity 

Today, with the beautiful sextile aspect between the Moon and Jupiter, we are being awakened to become more generous. Generosity is an attribute we all would like to expand in our lives. To the extent that we can give and share, is how much we are able to receive back blessings and Light. Our ability to give and extend ourselves to others is the vessel for receiving all that we desire. In Kabbalah, we learn that we are mere vessels for the Light force of the Creator. Everything that we desire in life is simply a variation of this Light force. Anything physical that we desire actually provides for us something non-physical. Physical things can sometimes offer us shards of Light such as happiness and fulfillment, but they are still only feelings and are intangible. What we truly desire are those feelings that emanate from the Light. Generosity is an attribute that is in our own best interest to develop. Today, see how you can be more generous to everyone around you. If you feel you have already shared, then share even more. Share with new people in new ways and in new areas. Be willing to push yourself to be more generous. We create a living out of what we make, but a life out of what we give. It is in our giving that we can most emulate and unite with the Creator and all of His blessings. 
