Daily Astrology Forecast for September 1-7, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for September 1-7, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Settembre 1, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

September 1

The Problem-Solving Magic

With Mercury being in its home-field sign of Virgo, communication for the upcoming few weeks will be focused upon the hard facts. The ability to be attentive to details hits a peak, and this supports us in finding the solutions to our problems. However, only being interested in the hard facts is not always conducive to a spiritual journey. Additionally, today, Mercury is aligned in a beautiful aspect with the planet Uranus and this brings another important element to problem-solving skills. This aspect assists us to connect and develop our intuition combined with an ability to digest the facts and see the details. We should always strive to see both aspects of our reality, the seen and the unseen, when making decisions in life. What we see is the physical world that kabbalists teach is merely one percent of existence. The unseen metaphysical world is actually 99 percent of reality. This 99 percent metaphysical world and one percent physical world are likened to a hand creating a shadow on the wall. This physical world is only an effect of the metaphysical world. While we are able to influence both worlds, true creation and true change can only be achieved in the metaphysical world. The metaphysical world is our consciousness. Teacher Rav Berg taught that mind over matter means that the mind is more important than the matter! Although it is true that the physical world needs our attention, we cannot neglect the metaphysical world in the process. Oftentimes, we find that we are stumped and unable to solve the problems of life, because we have not yet addressed their root. Although being skilled at seeing the needs of the physical world can create some success, eventually we must go deeper and explore the root that is our consciousness, the 99 percent metaphysical reality that creates all things. It is when we incorporate and appreciate the value of both worlds, metaphysical and physical, the mind and the heart, that we are able to achieve true and lasting change, success, and fulfillment. 

September 2

Is It Optimism or Are You in La-la Land?

Jupiter is a planet that brings optimism and a positive outlook on life. But when Jupiter is aligned in a challenging aspect with another planet, this optimism turns against our favor. How is that possible? After all, optimism is a positive attribute; being able to view life in a positive way is not always easy. According to the study of Kabbalah, we know that our perception and thoughts attract energy to us and help to create our reality. So how can optimism possibly work against us? When we choose to ignore red flags and warning signs and follow an easier path of focusing only on the good, this is when optimism can work against us. Today, Jupiter is square to Venus. Periodically, take off your rose-colored glasses and gain a balanced point of view, especially in regards to your personal relationships and finances. Be cautious of the potential to simply ignore the red flags that warn of possible trouble lurking ahead. Life is about taking care of the needs in front of us and doing 100 percent of our work, while simultaneously knowing the Creator is always in control and good will always be the final outcome.

September 3

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

With three planets in the sign of Virgo, the Sun, Mars, and Mercury, we might be tempted to focus only upon the details and obsess over the little things that are not perfect. A quality of Virgo is the ability to zoom in and see the imperfections and what needs adjustments for the purpose of betterment. The downside of this quality is wasting time and energy perfecting things that do not really make a difference in the grand scheme of life. Today, be sure to zoom out as often as you zoom in. Pay attention to the details that need addressing, but also make sure to snap out of this hyper-focus, change your lens, and view life from a higher perspective. See how things look when you examine the bigger picture. Remember to not sweat the small stuff! Fulfillment and happiness do not come from making things perfect. Life is naturally imperfect, people are imperfect. Zoom out and see the beautiful world that exists and is built upon many imperfections.

September 4

Waking from a Dream

With Venus opposite Neptune today, the possible struggle will be in our perception of reality, especially in the areas of love and finance. Today, the Virgo energy of this month will help us to stay grounded and look at the facts. The Virgo influence will help us to be more sensible, logical, and practical in our approach. Neptune is awakening a state of fantasy and illusion that can affect the way see reality. It can affect us in a positive way, when properly aligned, with love, spirituality, and depth of emotions. However, since Neptune is struggling energetically with Venus today, its energy of the abstract and metaphysical can lead us to be unrealistic and even delusional. The beauty of Virgo is that it is able to see reality. It can see who and what need our help. Virgo is considered to be the closest sign to the energy of the Creator. It is a sign of service and humility, and it desires to flow with the energy of sharing and giving. It is its care for people and its gift to see who needs our help that make this month truly special.  

September 5

Strength, Stability, and Success

With Mercury in Virgo and trine with Saturn in Capricorn, we receive an abundance of gifts from the universe today. There is a very strong combination of earth elements that can awaken in us persistence and perseverance which often lead to success. Routine, structure, and stability in your life are necessary today, in order to allow this cosmic opening to do its magic. Today is ideal to be reliable, be punctual, and to decide on important life matters. If you can, find the time to chat with your elders for advice, and if you are older, consider being a mentor or guide yourself for someone in need. The tallest of trees are only able to grow with a consistently strong foundation. Oftentimes, those who are successful at accomplishing their goals are not the most intelligent or the most talented, but those who have the most desire and continue to persevere. 

September 6

The Great Reveal

When Pluto is aligned in a positive manner with another planet, it brings the energy of rebirth and the revelation of truth and deeper meanings. With today’s trine of Venus and Pluto, look forward to the potential to remove blockages, reveal secrets, and cleanse any negativity in your relationships. Today, you can also develop a clearer and deeper understanding about your partner and yourself. Also, this trine can positively affect our finances. Look for situations to unfold in a way that will allow you to see more of the truth. These revelations will give you the opportunity to act wisely, generating welcomed results. The source behind all things is consciousness. Until we are willing to go beyond what we see and into the realm of thought and energy, we will not be successful in solving the problems in our world. Going beyond the five senses and delving into the world of consciousness is the path of spirituality and offers our best chance in achieving and materializing our dreams. 

September 7 - Shabbat Shoftim

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Being truthful will be our spiritual effort for today. There is a challenging aspect between Mercury and Neptune that can lead us into lying, misunderstanding, and confusion. Let’s proactively take the time to look deep within to see where we may be living a lie. Today, we want to be very honest with ourselves. Lying does not always have to reflect malice. We can lie to ourselves for years if we are not aligned with what we know is spiritually correct for ourselves. Today, take the time for a reality check about yourself. Also, be cognizant that you are not lying for others, as well. Even if lying will make you look better or help delay a confrontation, today it is recommended to avoid lying completely. They say that the truth shall set us free. Often, we feel we need lies in order to maintain an illusion that we have become dependent upon. Yet, when we lie to others, we are really lying to ourselves. Admitting to the truth can be frightening, but it can also be a great relief. When we choose the truth, we choose freedom; we choose to live authentically and allow ourselves the permission to be exactly who we truly are. 
