Daily Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2019
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Daily Astrology Forecast for September 22-28, 2019

Miriam Ashkenazi
Settembre 22, 2019
Mi piace Commenti Condividi

September 22

Always See the Silver Lining

Today, our minds are being challenged. The square of Mercury and Saturn is playing with our point of view. We can easily fall into a negative outlook for the next few days. If we are not aware of this potential cosmic influence ahead of time, we can easily find ourselves depressed, disappointed, and lacking belief in our own power. But, thankfully, we are aware of this planetary influence, and with knowledge come power and a gift! We are now better able to overcome this negativity and even grow stronger and wiser from it. Our focus today should be to replace negative thinking with concrete plans that will allow us to face our obligations with optimism. Look hard for the blessing and divine design in the disorder. Another solution is to look back at our past and remember lessons of yesterday. How should we act in the present and the future once we acknowledge the past and understand our mistakes? Our past should not be a burden, but a culmination of lessons that make us better each day. We are like fine wine, getting better with age and experience.  

September 23

Moving into Alignment

With today’s movement of the Sun into the sign of Libra, we are officially marking the first day of the fall season. Monday, September 23 is the fall equinox. This is one of two days in the year when there is complete balance of darkness and light. Today, we remind ourselves to align with the universe and see ourselves as part of this creation. Our goal should be to achieve this balance between our physical and spiritual beings. We embrace the night and the day. We embrace our spirituality as much as we embrace our physicality. Allow the balance of today to influence us to be more balanced in our approach to life. Take the time to evaluate all areas of life to make sure they are in balance, well taken care of, provided attention, and nurtured. The fall equinox asks us to remember our spirit within. We are beckoned to remember that we are more spirit than matter, that we are not bodies with spirits, but rather, spirits with bodies. 

September 24

Memories, Playing Tricks on Our Minds

With today’s challenging aspect between Neptune and Mercury, our memories and view of our past can be affected. This planetary aspect allows us to remember things far in the past that may not be very significant or useful. Our work, today, is to use this energy to remember more current and relevant information, instead. I would say that today is not ideal to take a test that depends upon your memory. Today can also be a challenging day for those of us who rely on our creativity. If you are in the creative field, take the day off and wait for another day to access your imagination. Additionally, avoid worrying too much. We do not want to waste our precious time and energy worrying about things that probably will never come to be or worry about things that have already happened and are out of our hands. As you can now better understand, the challenge today is all in our minds. Today, we need to take the time to spiritually center ourselves, be open to spiritual lessons, and learn about spiritual growth. Our memory is a precious gift that allows us to remember the mistakes of yesterday in order to not repeat them. Our memory is one of our powers. Do not allow it to weigh you down, but use it to empower you for growth and to make you all the more wiser. 

September 25 - Day of Creation

Becoming Generous

Today is a powerful day in the kabbalistic calendar. It is called the Day of Creation. Today, we are able to access the energy behind the original thought and plan the Creator had for all of creation. What is the purpose of our existence? Understanding the meaning of our existence is how we can connect to the Creator in the purest way. Making a connection to the thought of creation is connecting to the seed level of all existence, therefore, we can become more like the Creator in the process. Today, the cosmic energy can be challenging if we are not aware of its gifts and today’s spiritual opportunity. Additionally, Venus and Saturn are in a challenging aspect and this can influence us to feel lonely and pessimistic in the areas of romance and finance. The natural reaction to those feelings is to focus further on the lack in our lives. The spiritual lesson during these low moments is that it is an indication that we are in a deficit of giving. What will pull us out of lack consciousness and depression is to focus away from ourselves and to help another. Focus on sharing, and our duties and responsibilities to other people. Transform our desire to receive, thinking only about ourselves, to a desire to receive in order that we may share and help others. Today, take advantage of the spiritual opportunity and share with someone. You have the support of the Day of Creation. Act like the Creator, which is acting with pure love and goodness to everyone, and see your life becoming whatever it is you desire. 

September 26

X Marks the Spot

According to Kabbalah, this month of Virgo provides a tremendous opportunity of cleansing and to be able to start our year with a new slate. The new moon of Libra (the kabbalistic new year) is just a few days ahead. In order to prepare for this gift, we need to proactively take a deeper look at our past year and recognize when we acted in misalignment with our spirit. These are the moments when we activated our reactive system. Reactivity is our essence. We were made to be receivers. The reactive system is in place when we are thinking of ourselves alone. These feelings can be fear, worry, selfishness, lack, anger, pride, and ego. It is our essence to want things in life, but we need to raise the bar. We need to want more than just the little things. We need to desire more Light, more connection, more peace, and way more of just about everything. It is the little desires that cause the trouble in our lives. Fortunately, we have the month of Virgo to help us transform. This process of digging deep, recognizing our reactive moments, realizing what we need to change, and visualizing ourselves acting differently in the future, is called Teshuvah. The more we engage ourselves with the process of teshuva, the more pure and able we will be to connect to the Creator’s Light. The transformation into beings who give, instead of just take, allows us to create a vessel to handle and reveal all the Creator’s potential blessings for us in the upcoming year. Today, with Mercury and Pluto’s square, we are receiving one last opportunity, before the year’s end, to dig deep. It’s time to face our deepest truths and our deepest hidden secrets. Let us utilize this energy today, and take a look at what we typically avoid or are ashamed of admitting. X marks the spot. Those very areas of life you have been avoiding or have been screaming for attention are where to begin. But, have no fear. We do not have to do the work alone. As soon as we see and admit what we need to change, the Light comes in and removes the darkness for us. We have a partnership with the Creator to help us change. Our worst qualities can become our very best gifts, and therein lies the treasure of this important spiritual work. Good Luck!

September 27

Speaking the Right Words

With today’s beautiful aspect between Venus and Jupiter, we have the energy of charm meeting abundance and expansion. There is great support from the universe today to make the best presentation, allowing us to speak up and say the exact right words, at the right time. If you are a teacher, therapist, or inspirational speaker, today can potentially be a very positive day with your communication with others. This gift even transcends to the romance department. If you have not found the right moment to say something special to a close friend, family, or romantic partner, the universe will encourage you to finally speak up! Today is even ideal for marriage proposals! So let’s get out there, speak words of love, and improve the world in the process. 

September 28 - Shabbat Nitzavim

Challenges with Authority

Today’s Sun and Uranus alignment can potentially awaken tension between us and our work colleagues, family members, or any authority figure. Uranus encourages us to be unique and different, and to refuse any type of structure or authority. Beware of this challenge today, and watch carefully your interaction with your manager, boss, teachers, and parents. We do not want to lose our job or damage our relationship with someone we value a great deal. Today is not the day to take the risk of a confrontation or to break free from someone or something. Even though we might need to do that at some point, let us not choose today to plant the seed for freedom and detachment from people. 
